Captured part 3

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There's gonna be another time skip YEET

Time skip! 1 month later...

Still in District 4...

Jisung and Minho had decided to go back to District 9 a few days prior, Minho refusing to leave because he wanted to help protect his pregnant younger brother, but after alot of convincing and begging on Jisung's part, he finally agreed to go back with Jisung.

Felix's baby bump was definitely showing now, but it was a little...bigger than expected. Turns out, they were having a boy and a girl, twins. Felix was giddy and happy, and also going through the cravings. No weird cravings, just cravings for anything sweet and/or unhealthy. Because he was part demon, he wouldn't get the mood swings as Demons naturally had that 'mood swing thing' as part of their personality. However, it was alot easier to piss him off, and he was still strong enough to knock someone out in one to two quick punches.

However, that morning, something felt off. It was overcast, it was raining, and the last time Chan checked, Felix was chilling in the training area with Daesung. He didn't want his Mate to get sick, because that wouldn't be good for the babies. However, when he went out into the training area, Daesung was sprawled out on the floor and had obviously been knocked unconscious.

"Fuck" Chan cursed, racing over to Daesung and fell onto his knees, trying to shake the cat hybrid awake.

A soft groan came from Daesung, and the cat hybrid's eyes slowly fluttered open. The blonde male glanced around, before he shot up into a sitting position, obviously in panic mode.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god" Daesung repeated over and over, his breaking rapid and uneven.

"Hey, Daesung, Dae, calm down. Where's Felix? Did he go somewhere? Is he in the kitchen trying to reach the ice-cream again?" Chan asked with a humorous tone, but something in his gut told him that something really bad had happened.

When Daesung's tearful looked straight into Chan's, the humorous mood disappeared, replaced with a tense atmosphere.

"C-Chan" Daesung sniffled, "I-I'm sorry, I tries to stop her, but I couldn't...I'm so s-sorry"Daesung's voice cracked.

"Hey, hey, hey, who took who?" Chan spoke calmly, but he had a terrible feeling he wasn't going to like what he was about to hear.

"Chan, she took him...I think Lisa took Felix"


In the mountains, in a hidden place...

Darkness was all that Felix could see for a long time, awakening to the sound of pained screams and shouts of 'no, please stop, you're killing him!'.

"Oh honey, Binnie boo, I'm not going to kill him" a sickeningly sweet voice cooed, "I just wanna make him suffer for not doing as I asked" Lisa growled.

Hyunjin was tied to a chair with a massive helmet type thing on his head with wires connecting to it that shot electricity through his body from not only the helmet type thing but also the chair itself, causing Hyunjin to writhe around and scream in agony.

(Imagine the chair Hyunjin was in and that helmet thingy that was attached to him in the I Am: NOT trailer)

"Please stop that!" Changbin yelled, tears falling rapidly down his cheeks.

Lisa cackled evilly, turning the dial up just a tad. Of course, she wasn't going to kill them...yet. Seokjin then walked down the concrete steps, the sound of his boots echoing throughout the dimly lit room.

"Would you please stop that Lisa? It's giving me a pounding headache" Seokjin growled out, rubbing his forehead to try and free himself of the discomfort the headache gave him.

"Awe, alright" Lisa pouted, turning the dial to off.

Hyunjin ripped whatever was on his head off of his head, the helmet falling to the ground with a loud thud. Hyunjin then proceeds to untie himself and stumble out of the chair, feeling onto his knees and then onto his side, rolling over into his back.

Felix, Hyunjin and Seungmin weren't tied up, but Changbin was, and as much as the short dark haired boy struggled, he couldn't get out of his binds.

"H-Hyunjinnie" Changbin whimpered.

Hyunjin turned his head to the side, smiling reassuringly.

"It'll be okay Binnie, everything will be okay" Hyunjin spoke softly.

"Ugh, how pathetic" Lisa scoffed.

"Hm, yes, very pathetic" Seokjin turned his nose up at the soft display of affection and reassurance.

Hyunjin's mood turned sour, and he faced Seokjin with a snarl.

"Grow the fuck up" Hyunjin scoffed, rolling his eyes as he struggled to lift himself off the ground.

His backtalk earned him a kick to the side, a gasp escaping him as he curled up and grinned his teeth together in pain.

"Why don't you just shut up? I'm sick of hearing your fucking voice" Seokjin spat.

Felix so badly wanted to do something; to beat the living hell out of both Seokjin and Lisa, but he felt too weak,too drained of any energy he may have had previously. Seungmin, once realising that Felix was finally awake, the red haired boy was kneeling in front of him in seconds.

"Fucking hell, you look terrible Lix" Seungmin frowned, "are the babies okay? Minho told us Lix, about...yeah, that"

Felix just nodded slowly, glancing around.

"W-where are we?" Felix asked softly.

"I...I don't know, but we'll figure a way out, don't worry" Seungmin smiled gently.

Felix just nodded again, smiling back. Seungmin didn't want to stress the hybrid out, because he was pregnant with two babies, and stress could lead to a miscarriage.

He just hoped everything would turn out okay...

Hm...not sure how I feel about this chapter...but I hope you enjoyed it at least XD

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