The Other Side

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(You can listen to the song I linked above if you want to, but you don't have to ^ω^ it just kind of...fits with this chapter I guess? I had it on repeat while typing this chapter)

In the other part of District 9...

Felix wandered through the other part of District 9, the 'Creature District' as Chan had once referred it to, without showing how scared he actually was. He held himself well, his back straight and his eyes cold. Surprisingly, none of the creatures attacked him, they just stood at a distance, almost as if there was this invisible force field around him.

Silence hung in the air; no growling was heard except for the footsteps of the creatures, Felix's footsteps and soft breathing. Suddenly, the crackling of fire and drums could be heard, also male and female voices singing in a language that Felix didn't know.

It was kind of frightening to be honest.

It's like they had a completely different culture. There were no houses or beds, an indication that these creatures just slept anywhere they pleased. However, he saw some young creatures running around and playing, meaning that some of these things had families.

There was no Lisa in sight, which made Felix feel somewhat relieved, but he was still terrified.

As he got closer to what he assumed to be the middle of this Creature District, he saw a massive bonfire with some creatures banging in drums, a male creature and a female creature singing in that unfamiliar language or humming, and various other creatures dancing around said bonfire.

They didn't look like they'd attack him, but nonetheless he still kept his guard up. He stopped in front of what seemed to be a human, but Felix could guess that he most likely wasn't.

"Hello Lee Felix" the 'human' spoke.

"How do you know my name?" Felix asked, confused.

"I've heard alot about you, courtesy of Lisa" the 'human" smirked.

"Well, since you know my name, why don't you tell me yours then?" Felix spoke confidentially.

"My name is Park Jin-Young, and these boys you see here" he pointed to six young boys sitting behind him, "are my children; Hanyu, Zihao, Xinlong, Zeyu, Mingriu and Shuyang" Jin-Young smiled a little. (Aye, JYP and BoyStory hehehe)

"I see..." Felix trailed off.

"I know why you're here too, it's quite obvious" Jin-Young sighed.

"Did Jooheon secretly tell you too or something?" Felix scoffed.

"I don't know a Jooheon,but my son Zihao overheard you talking at the fence, and he told me what you planned to do. Honestly, I wish I could help you. I had no bad blood with Chan anyway" Jin-Young shrugged.

"Also, I'm sorry for nearly killing you" Zihao smiled sheepishly, "I don't have full control over my Wolf yet"

'So, these guys are werewolves' "why can't you help me then?" Felix huffed.

"Lisa threatened to kill my family. She has my wife locked up in the prison in Seokjin's District" Jin-Young frowned.

"You could have just killed her you know" Felix raised an eyebrow.

"Lisa took her while we were sleeping. I couldn't have done anything" Jin-Young growled.

Felix sighed, trying to think of a way he could get these creatures, or at least their leader on his side. Then,he came up with an idea.

"If I get your wife back, will you help me take down Lisa?" Felix asked hopefully.

"If you got her back, I would forever be in your debt" Jin-Young answered.

"You know, Chan always told me you guys were the definition of insane...but now that I've met you face to face, I can see that it isn't true" Felix frowns.

"Chan has never met me, so he knew nothing about us here. He only heard one side of the story, and that was the side that was told to everyone and their mother" Jin-Young scoffed.

"You mean about how you guys killed off almost all of the past residents of what was once part of District 8?" Felix wondered, remembering what JB had told him the day after he arrived in District 9.

"That was a story that Seokjin's grandparents had made up, because they hated us" Jin-Young sighed heavily.

"But why?" Felix frowned, "I see no reason to hate you"

"Because we were their mistake...they created us"

And the plot thickens! Okay, now it's kind of getting interesting hehehe let's hope I can keep this up 😂

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