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"Leo, don't you think that's a bad idea?" Ravi spoke calmly.

Now that was a change; usually it would be Ravi that would go completely bonkers, not Leo.

"I agree with Ravi" Felix spoke up, letting go of Chan's hand as he crossed his arms, "however I might have a plan of my own" Felix spoke up, glancing over to his brother Minho.

Jisung saw the look, growling at the back of his throat.

"Nuh uh, if this is going to involve my MinMin being in danger, it ain't happening" Jisung huffed, wrapping his arms protectively around Minho.

"Well then, let's hear it" Leo sighed, his anger slowly disappearing.

"My brother and I know the ins and outs of the alleyways of District 8. We also know a fair few people, both human and creature, even a couple of Hybrids" Felix explained, "there's also a few people in the District 8 prison that we know, but we're going to need help getting them out"

"Alright, so who goes with who?" Jooheon asks.

"Jooheon and Chan can come with me, Jisung, Kihyun, you two can go with my brother. He's the only one who knows the back way into the prison; the way that has the least guards" Felix says with a commanding tone.

"When do we go?" Jisung asks.

"You guys should probably rest, leave it for tomorrow" N speaks up, "we have a few spare beds, enough for two to a bed" N smiled softly.

"Okay, Jooheon and Kihyun, you two can share a bed, Jisung and Minho can share-I meant my brother Minho, not you, and Chan and I will share" Felix nods.

"Sounds good to me" Kihyun yawned, rubbing his eyes.

"I'm gonna...stay out here a while" Leo mumbled, looking solemnly over at Ken and Hongbin's grave.

"I'll stay out here with you" Hyuk spoke softly as Leo went over to sit in front of Hongbin and Ken's grave.

"No Hyuk, it's gonna get fucking freezing out here and you're only human" Chan spoke, Hyuk huffing and pouting, "I'll stay out here with Leo"

This caused his boyfriend to pout as well as he stepped around to stand in front of Chan, gripping the older boys shirt.

"But Channie~" Felix whined.

Chan chuckled softly, his arm slipping around Felix's middle as he pulled his younger boyfriend closer so the Yb were right up against each other. Chan placed a soft kiss on Felix's forehead, lingering there for a few moments.

"I'll be in later, I promise" Chan spoke gently.

Felix's eyes fluttered closed as he allowed himself to enjoy their closeness, even if it was only for a few moments.

"Come on Felix, I'll show you to the room that Chan stayed in while he was here. It's right near Leo and Hyuk's room, so if you need anything, just call out to Hyuk" N coaxed Felix away from Chan.

Once Felix, N, Hyuk, Ravi, Jooheon, Kihyun, Minho, Jisung and the rest of them had gone inside, Chan had gone over to sit next to Leo, a heavy sigh escaping him.

"I know this might mean nothing to you, but I'm sorry" Chan muttered.

Leo said nothing, just listening intently to what Chan was saying.

"I'm sorry for basically dumping all my problems on you and Hyuk when I was here whilst I was faking my death, I'm sorry for not getting to Ken and Hongbin in time, I'm sorry for everything. This is all my fault, but I have no fucking idea how to fix it" Chan was annoyed with himself.

Leo chuckled softly, shaking his head.

"For one, you have nothing to apologize for Bang Chan, and for two, I guess...I guess Ravi and I kind of think of you as family now, in a way. Kind of like a younger brother" Leo turned to Chan with a soft smile.

"Leo, Lisa is doing this because of me-" "no, she's not. She's doing his for power, for control because she felt like she had none in her whole life. She's a power hungry, nasty little bitch without reason" Leo sighed.

Chan just nodded, and Leo went back to staring at Ken and Hongbin's grave.

"You should go inside Chan" Leo spoke up, "your Mate needs you"

Chan goes to protest, but Leo stops him by shoving him away. Chan pouts briefly, before giving in and walking inside towards the room where he stayed while he was there.

Leo stayed outside the entire night, mourning the deaths of his best friends, not moving and not saying a word.

Okay, so the next chapter is gonna have a bit of a time skip, but it's for a good reason 😏 (and also because I ant think of anymore names, so next chapter let's just pretend that they got the prisoners they knew out and talked to people they knew okay? Okay)

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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