They're Coming

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Time skip! 1 month and a week later...

Chan, Minho, Jisung and Wonho had decided to go back to District 9 a week prior, mostly because Chan was a needle point away from going full Ghoul on someone's ass if he didn't go back to his Mate.

Over that week, Chan never once left Felix's side. Chan was also extremely possessive, not even letting Felix's own brother near the hybrid. He would growl and snarl at them when they even attempted to come anywhere near him.

This had led to a fight breaking out between Daesung and Chan. Daesung thought of Felix as a younger brother, and because if the kind of hybrid he was, he was not only extremely affectionate, but also fiercely protective. Because Felix was pregnant, those protective instincts really started to kick in.

Currently, Chan and Felix were lying comfortably on their bed, Felix sitting in between Chan's legs, his back against the Ghoul's front and Chan's hands resting on his swollen belly.

Every now and again Chan would feel a movement underneath his hand, a soft smile on his lips. Suddenly, Chan felt a hard kick underneath his hand, frowning at the sound of pain from Felix.

"You okay babe?" Chan spoke softly.

"I'm fine, I think-ah fuck!" Felix cursed softly as a shooting pain caused his muscles to contract.

"Felix, what's wrong?" Chan sounded worried.

"I think it's the babies-oh no..." Felix whispered as he glanced down.

Liquid that was as clear as water was leaking from his butt, and he gasped as another shooting pain shit through his muscles.

"Chan, you need to get me to Youngjae" Felix gained his teeth together.

"Wait, why? What's wrong?" Chan asked, the worry and fear clear in his voice.

"Chan, it's the babies" Felix huffed out, "I think my water just broke"


Chan could hear the whimpers of pain coming from inside Youngjae's medical tent as Youngjae performed a C-section on Felix to get the twins out. It hurt Chan's heart, knowing his Mate was in pain.

"I need to go in there" Chan muttered, but Minho stopped him by putting his hand on the older males chest and pushing him back.

"No Chan, that could stress Felix out seeing you stressed out" Minho sighed.

Another, louder whimper was heard, and Felix called out Chan's name. Chan sent a look to Minho, the younger hesitating but eventually let him go to Felix. Chan rushed over to Felix, the hybrid reaching his hand out. Chan quickly took Felix's smaller hand into his own, rubbing his thumb comfortingly on the top of Felix's hand.

"Hey baby" Chan forced a smile, trying to hide the fact he fucking hated seeing Felix in so much pain.

"I-it hurts" Felix cried out softly.

Youngjae sighed sadly.

"I gave him some morphine that Jooheon somehow managed to take from District 8's hospital, but the effects of it faded too fast" Youngjae winced in guilt as he heard another sound of pain come from Felix, "I also gave him enough of that weakening stuff so he doesn't heal as fast"

Chan glanced at Youngjae, nodding in acknowledgement before glancing back down to Felix who was sweating profusely due to the pain, his eyes shut tightly and his teeth clenched.

"Oh baby...I wish I could take your pain away" Chan muttered sadly, leaning down and placing a soft kiss to Felix's forehead.

"I'm fine" Felix's voice shook, "I'll be fine" it seemed as though he was talking more to himself rather than to Chan.

"Chan, we got a problem" Wonho said as he entered the tent.

"What is it?" Chan asked, not even looking at the wolf hybrid.

"It's Seokjin, he's gathered his army and they're waiting for us in District 8. Chan...we gotta go" Wonho really didn't want to force Chan away from his Mate, but it had to be done.

They needed everyone who could fight to go and fight.

"I'll stay here and make sure Felix and your children are okay" Jooheon spoke up as he entered the tent, "they'll be fine Chan, you need to go"

Chan sighed heavily, placing a gentle, short kiss to Felix's lips before his hand slipped out of Felix's and he exited the medic tent.

"Chan, w-wait" he heard his Mate call out to him.

Chan turned back around and peeked his head in.

"What is it babe?" Chan asked.

"P-promise me you'll come back a-alive" Felix whimpered.

In truth, Chan didn't know if he was going to come back alive or not, but he'd damn well try to.

"I will Lix, I promise" Chan smiled softly as he turned and walking away.

What really hurt Chan was that he wouldn't get to hold his children after they were born, but his fear of not coming back to them overruled the hurt he felt in his chest.

However, in the time he walked beside Wonho, Minho, Jisung and Daesung into District 8 to fight in this war, he swore to himself he would not only fight for his home, District 9, but he would also fight for his life to make sure he went back to his family.

He would show that Seokjin fucker no mercy

Y'all probably already know what's happening in the next couple chapters 😏 it's war time ppls

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