Better part 2

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Back in District 9...

Already half a day had passed, and everything that had been wrecked in District 9 had been relatively repaired. Unfortunately, some hearts were still broken. Even BamBam, as tough as he was, had shed a few tears. Even Seungmin, the savage, Jisung-disliking person he was had cried a little.

Jisung, however, had a full mental breakdown not unlike Felix's mental breakdown, but instead of trying to hide it he had collapsed onto his knees in a screaming, crying mess right in front of both Seungmin and Hyunjin.

Everyone was upset,everyone had shed tears (some more than others), but there were two who were downright depressed, and they were BamBam and Felix.

BamBam, because he had known Chan for as long as he could remember. They were childhood friends, and knew each other much longer than Jooheon knew Chan.

Felix, because he had lost his Mate, his reason for living and breathing. No amount of comfort from anyone could heal his broken heart.

However, Felix then realised he needed to grow up...again. He needed to be there for everyone in District 9. He needed to pull himself together and lead them, even if he wanted nothing to do with living anymore.

He may as well try, right?

So, Felix picked himself up, changing into a black and red cowboy type shirt,black ripped jeans and black vans with a bandana tied around his neck, and hopped out of the bus.

Felix walked over to Jooheon, who was watching Minho spar with Jackson, and coughed to gain his attention.

"Jooheon" Felix started, "I'll be the leader"

"Hm, good" Jooheon nodded, "we kinda need one without Chan here"

"But...could you help me? I don't think I can quite do this on my own" Felix rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"Felix" Jooheon sighed, turning his head to face Felix, "Chan would have killed me if I didn't give you some guidance" Jooheon smirked.

Felix smiled gratefully at Jooheon, bowing his head a bit before standing next to the older male. The two watched Minho and Jackson spar, Felix becoming increasingly impressed with his brothers skill.

"I guess you're not hurting anymore, are you?" Jooheon asks.

"I don't think it will ever stop hurting, but I may as well try to push through this pain and get over it" Felix sighed, "it's what I've done in the past and I'll do it now"

Jooheon nods.

"Mhm" he hums, still watching Minho and Jackson.

There was a few moments of comfortable silence before Felix decided to speak again.

"Jooheon, have you ever been in love?" Felix was curious.

"Yes, and I still am, but we can't...there's too big of an age gap" Jooheon sighed heavily.

"How big of an age gap?" Felix wondered.

"6 year age gap. I'm 24, he's 18" Jooheon sighs heavily.

"So? Age shouldn't matter should it?" Felix scoffs.

"No, you're right, it shouldn't but-" "then what the fuck is stopping you?" Felix cut him off, raising an eyebrow, "are you shy or something?"

Jooheon grumbled a bit, but Felix could clearly see the blush that stained Jooheon's cheeks, causing the younger of the two to giggle.

"Oh my god you are shy!" Felix cackled.

"Oi, don't say that out loud!" Jooheon hissed.

Felix snickered, shaking his head.

"Hey everyone! Jooheon is-" Jooheon slapped a hand over his mouth, glaring at the hybrid.

"I swear to god, I will kill you if you tell anyone" Jooheon huffed, pouting a little.

Felix pried Jooheon's hand off of his mouth,smirking.

"You look like a small child when you pout" Felix laughed.

Jooheon whacked him over the head harshly, causing Felix to wince at the slight pain it caused.

"And you look like a whale when you cry!" Jooheon shot back, although it made no sense.

"Excuse me what?" Felix blinked, "how the fuck do I look like a whale when I cry!?" the hybrid exclaimed.

"I don't know, you just do!" Jooheon huffed.

The two just stared at each other for a little while,before they both broke out into laughter. For the first time in about a day, Felix finally felt relatively okay.

But he knew that once the sun went down, he'd go straight back to being depressed and down, and the heartache would begin all over again...

The JooLix friendship is blossoming! Also, I am a massive JooHyuk (Jooheon and Minhyuk) shipper, so yeh, that may or may not happen in this sequel 😏

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