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About half an hour later, Felix was sitting on a bench in the training room with Daesung sitting beside him, white-blonde cat ears and white tail exposed as he snuggled close to Felix. Felix just petted Daesung's hair, occasionally scratching the cat hybrid's ears softly, the older male purring softly at the gentle touches.

"Looks like someone's taking a liking to you" G-Dragon smirked as he wandered over.

"I don't know why though" Felix frowned.

"Despite being an extremely dangerous hybrid, you're kind at heart and easy to like" G-Dragon shrugged, "Daesung has yet to open up to the others, you know? Sometimes it takes cat hybrids years to get close to someone, and it's only taken two fucking weeks for him to get close to you" G-Dragon scoffed, pouting a little as he sat down on the other side of Felix.

Daesung let out this protective growl when he noticed G-Dragon's presence, frowning.

"It's just me Dae, don't worry bubs" G-Dragon smiled at the cat hybrid.

Daesung just nodded, going back to his relaxed state, his purring a little louder this time. Felix raised an eyebrow, a sly little smirk on his lips.

"Bubs? What is he, your child?" Felix snickered.

"No" G-Dragon rolled his eyes, shoving Felix playfully, "he only allows Taeyang and I to call him that" Felix didn't miss the blush staining G-Dragon's cheeks when he said Taeyang's name.

"Oh....oh I see" Felix's sly smirk grew.

"Shut up" G-Dragon pouted.

"I haven't said anything" Felix laughed wickedly.

G-Dragon shoved him harder this time, causing Felix to cackle teasingly as G-Dragon's pout deepened. Daesung whined, slapping G-Dragon's leg.

"Stop that" Daesung huffed.

"Sorry bubba" G-Dragon chuckled as he stood up.

Chan was leaning against the door frame again, this time wearing a plain black shirt, ripped jeans and black vans Ashe watched Daesung and Felix interact.

"You're not jealous are you?" Ravi asked, smirking.

"No, I have no reason to be" Chan smiled, "it's cute though"

"Mhm, but I wouldn't go near Felix with Daesung there" Ravi frowned, "cat hybrids are extremely protective creatures, especially with people they like and their Mates, and because Felix is pregnant, that protectiveness could lead to Daesung seriously injuring someone"

"Once again, I am amazed you guys know so much about creatures" Chan chuckled softly.

"I think you're forgetting that the population in Leo and I's Districts is made up of 95% creatures" Ravi smirked, "so obviously both Leo and I would know so much about them"

Chan just nodded, going back to watching Felix and Daesung interact. All of a sudden, Jooheon and Kihyun came running over, obviously out of breath. Chan and Felix were confused; had they ran all the way from District 9? They were supposed to be helping Wonho protect it.

"What the fuck are you two doing here?" Chan growled.

"We have a problem" Kihyun huffed, "a big fucking problem"

"What happened? Is anyone dead?" Felix was no extremely worried.

Daesung sensed Felix's worry, nuzzling his head against Felix's arm in a comforting manner.

"Not yet, and I hope no one does die" Jooheon spoke up, "Hyunjin, Changbin and Seungmin have been captured. I don't know why, but we woke up this morning and they were nowhere to be found" Jooheon sighed.

"Wonho caught a scent though" Kihyun frowned, "BamBam's scent"

Felix growled, the noise startling Daesung and caused him to back away from the hybrid as Felix stood up.

"That fucker" Felix spat, "do you any idea as to why he would capture Hyunjin, Changbin and Seungmin?"

"Well, I have a good idea as to why he'd capture Hyunjin and Seungmin" Jooheon glanced at Chan before looking back to Felix, "but Changbin isn't even that close to Chan"

Chan thought for a moment before a light bulb went off in his head.

"Lisa has something to do with this" Chan frowned.

"How do you know?" Kihyun asked.

"I think it's been a little over a month now, but Hyunjin told me that Lisa told him to give me this...serum that would make me forget about ever meeting her, and that if he didn't go through with it, she'd kill Changbin" Chan explained.

"Well, that's just great" Jooheon scoffed, "now we know there's a possibility that one if them could actually die"

"It could be a trap to lure you guys in" Ravi warned them, "to kill one of you instead of Changbin, Hyunjin or Seungmin"

"I think they're trying to lure me in" Chan sighed, "Hyunjin, Seungmin, Jisung and I were the first ones in District 9, I practically raised them and saved their asses countless times. Changbin, though I'm not close to him, is Hyunjin's boyfriend so he's definitely part of the family"

"Does BamBam want to kill you or something?" Felix scoffed.

"Honestly, no, I don't think so. I don't think Lisa and BamBam ate acting alone...I think Seokjin has something to do with this. I took his family away from him by killing his parents, so now I think he's taking mine away from me" Chan frowned worriedly, looking over to Felix, "that means you're not safe Lix. They could very well come back here and take you"

Felix sighed, walking over to Chan and wrapped his arms around Chan's neck.

"Like hell I'd let them take me away from you anyway" Felix smiled softly as Chan's arms snaked around his waist.

"I know you'd kick their asses, but they're smart, smarter than we give them credit for" Chan sighed, leaning his forehead against Felix's, "I just want you and our unborn child to be safe" Chan unwrapped on his arms from around the younger waist, resting a hand on Felix's belly.

Felix giggled, loving the way Chan was so protective of him. Felix leaned his head up a bit so he could place a soft, short kiss to Chan's forehead, his lips lingering there for a few moments.

"I love you Channie" Felix whispered.

"I love you too baby" Chan whispered back.

Kihyun cooed at the cute sight, Jooheon sighing heavily.

"Okay, now is not the time to be all cute and fluffy" Jooheon growled out, "we have to get Hyunjin, Seungmin and Changbin out of wherever they are so none of them die!"

Hm....I think I kind of like this chapter? IDK...also, I'm kind of not looking forward to the end of this book ;-; it's not gonna end for a little while yet, but it will eventually and....I'm not sure I'm readyyyyyy ;-;

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter ^ω^

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