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I'm running low on chapter title ideas ;-;

Once Chan had finished feeding, Felix helped the Ghoul clean up a bit, before the two walked back to where Jooheon and Wonho stood.

"Chan, District 8 is practically in ruins right now" Jooheon sighed.

Chan glanced at Wonho, his eyes narrowed.

"Really Wonho? Did you really have to go that far?" Chan sighed.

"What can I say" Wonho shrugged, "we love causing trouble"

"You should've let me handle this" Felix muttered.

"Felix, you're pregnant. Chan didn't want you to be stressed out" Jooheon spoke softly.

"But I know how you guys can be. You've caused a few riots before, and none of them were a pretty sight" Felix raised an eyebrow.

Jooheon just smirked, snickering along with Wonho.

"They're like untamed children if you let them do what they want" Felix glanced sideways at Chan, "you're an idiot. This is gonna spark an all out war, you know that right?" Felix snapped, now slightly angry at his Mate for letting the Monsta X Clan run loose like that.

"Well then...what should we do hm?" Chan asked Felix.

"Go to District 4, and I want Minho to go in my place because like hell am I walking that far" Felix chuckled.

Chan shrugged, nodding.

"I doubt Jisung's gonna let Minho go without him" Wonho smirked.

"My brother can look after himself" Felix snapped, "I'm sure Jisung knows that by now"

"Babe, do you have any idea how protective Jisung is when it comes to your brother?" Chan asked, "he can get dangerously protective Lix, and I mean protective as in damn near kill someone protective" Chan scoffed.

"I don't care" Felix spat, "my brother will go in my place, and that's fucking final"

"Oh wow, mood swings are happening now" Jooheon blinked.

"I thought that demons had a natural mood swing thing?" Chan wondered.

"They do" Felix pouted, "but I think it's the Ghoul part of me that's making me like this, fuck sake"

"Anyway, let's just...go get Minho and get to District 4 already" Jooheon rolled his eyes.


In District 4, an hour and a half later...

After alot of convincing (and though no one would admit it, alot of begging too), Jisung had let Minho go to District 4 with Chan, Jooheon and Wonho to speak to them in Felix's place.

"I thought you weren't the leader of District 9 anymore Chan" Ravi smirked.

"I'm not" Chan huffed, his arms crossed over his chest.

"For now, Wonho is because Felix trusts him not to do stupid shit" Minho clicked his tongue.

"Ooooh, the sass is coming out now" Jooheon was mildly surprised.

Chan remembered how timid and shy Minho was when he and Felix were first exiled to District 9, but now his 'sass game' was strong and he was also physically and mentally stronger than he used to be. He'd seen Minho knock Jisung on his ass, even Seungmin a few times. As of now, Minho and Felix's rules were reversed.

"Anyway, we heard a certain group of people caused a riot in District 8" Leo looked pointedly at Wonho who just rubbed the back of his head with a sheepish smile, "and took it a bit too far and now you're worried it could spark a war?"

"More than worried, we know this will spark a war. Seokjin would be utterly fucking pissed right now" Chan scoffed.

"I've seen it" N spoke up, "I've seen visions of this war, and it's not good" N shuddered, "there's be many deaths, on both sides...and there might be someone close to you that dies as well" N looks at Chan.

"W-what?" Chan stuttered.

"I keep seeing Ravi dead, but I have a strong feeling that it isn't Ravi that dies, rather someone that is close to you. I don't know who, but I know for a fact that it isn't Felix, so you can stop holding your breath" N chuckled.

Chan let out the breath he didn't even know he was holding until N mentioned it, relief flowing through his entire being.

"However, we should prepare ourselves for this war" N frowned, "and I suggest that you bring whoever will be able to fight here to District 4 to train for this war"

"But what about my Mate and my unborn children?" Chan asked.

"You can deal with that, because he is your responsibility after all" N shrugged.

"I'll look after him" Daesung volunteered with a small smile.

Chan raised an eyebrow in confusion, wondering why Daesung would lifer to look after Felix.

"I've grown close to him" Daesung twiddled his thumbs, "a-and my instincts are telling me to protect him s-so...yeah..." Daesung trailed off.

"Alright" Chan shrugged, "I have no problems with that"

Daesung smiled gratefully, bowing his head out of respect.

"I will too" Jooheon piped up, "I'm not much of a fighter myself, more of a watcher" Jooheon shrugged.

"Hey, you're still capable of kicking a few asses if need be" Wonho grinned.

"True, but still; not much of a violence person" Jooheon frowned.

"If past Jooheon heard you say that, he'd literally kill you" Wonho scoffed.

"People change Shin Hoseok" Jooheon smirked at the way Wonho tensed up when he used his real name, "and I still know ways to piss you off"

"Fuck you Lee Jooheon" Wonho growled.

"Yeah, no thanks" Jooheon scrunched his nose up, "go fuck Hyungwon, wolfie"

"Excuse you!" Wonho huffed, "my name isn't wolfie, dickwad"

"Whatever" Jooheon snickered.

Chan sighed in annoyance, now questioning the reasons as to why Felix made Wonho thw temporary leader. This was gonna be a long day...

I'm so mentally fucking tired and 100% done with this shit, I have nothing happy to say except I hope you enjoyed 😐

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