The Truth Hurts part 1

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I know you guys love this book, but plz show my BangInho short story Letters Of The Alphabet some love? I'm actually really proud of it ^ω^ it's such a soft story...unlike the shit storm this fanfic is cooking up -.-

It was a while before Felix decided to not so gently push Chan off of him and crawl out of bed, his hair a total mess.

"Now who looks like a rat eh?" Chan snickered.

"Shut up" Felix sent a glare his way, but it didn't phase the Ghoul at all.

Felix hopped out of the bus, telling Chan to stay where he was, and fixed his hair so it looked at least half decent.

"How's BamBam and Jisung?" Felix asked, still a little tired but he'd deal with it.

"They're awake and wandering around if that's what you wanna know" Jooheon huffed.

Felix nodded, sighing a little before was suddenly back hugged by Wonho.

"Fuck man, I thought you were dead" Wonho whimpered.

"Stop whimpering like a puppy Wonho, and please get off me" Felix chuckled, shaking Wonho off of him.

Wonho pouted, and is his ears were exposed right now they'd be flat against his skull. Felix just pet Wonho's hair, causing the wolf hybrid to nuzzle against his shoulder. It was a friendly gesture, a gesture of friendly affection. Wolf hybrids were extremely affectionate, unlike werewolves who were rough as hell and could be real assholes and conniving bastards. Wolf hybrids were like the equivalent of dogs in a way, but god forbid you called them one.

Chan could see Wonho cuddling up to Felix, but he didn't let himself get jealous. There was literally no reason to be, because Wonho already had his Mate so there was no chance of anything ever happening between Felix and Wonho other than a close friendship.

Jackson, JB, BamBam, Yugyeom, Jisung, Minho and basically everyone else who was in District 9 kind of gathered around, Minho running over to his brother and enveloping him in a tight hug. Wonho backed up, letting the brothers have their moment.

The moment didn't last long, before a loud exclamation of 'what the fuck' sounded from Jisung who's jaw had dropped. Everyone had turned to where Jisung was looking, which was a little ways behind Felix.

There stood Chan, his expression blank. Jooheon sighed heavily, rubbing his forehead.

'Here we go...' Jooheon thought as he gulped.

He knew something was going to go wrong, but he didn't know what.

"This is a collective dream, isn't it?" Jisung squeaked.

Chan then smiled softly, shaking his head.

"I'm real 'Sungie" Chan chuckled, his arms outstretched.

Jisung, Hyunjin and Seungmin shared a look, before pushing past everyone and running to Chan to envelop him in a group hug.

"How the fuck?" Jisung's voice cracked as he sniffled.

Chan was silent; he honestly had no idea how the fuck he was going to explain himself, but he knew he couldn't lie. He could lie to his brothers, his family. He looked over to Jooheon, who seemed troubled but he nodded his head anyway in an indication Chan could tell them the truth. It would hurt, but at least it would be the truth.

"I...I was never dead" Chan sighed, his arms hanging limply by his sides.

Jisung, Hyunjin and Seungmin slowly let go of him, backing away to stand just in front of Felix.

"W-what?" Hyunjin stuttered, frowning.

"I wasn't dead. I never was, and I don't plan on dying any time soon" Chan sighed running his hand through his hair, "I went into hiding in Leo and Ravi's District, and kind of helped them with training their new recruits. Speaking of, we kind of need to go there at some point, probably today" Chan frowned, "back to the point, I..
I was a shitty leader, I know that. I nearly drove this District into the ground. I had to fake my death, even if only for a little while. I'm back now, but I'm not going to be your leader" Chan spoke with seriousness in his tone.

BamBam suddenly growled from a little ways away, his head snapping over to face BamBam.

"You know, your little hybrid over there nearly killed Changbin?" BamBam snapped, glaring at Chan.

"I know you nearly killed my hybrid, so you can't fucking talk Kunpimook" Chan snapped back.

"I...I don't even remember doing that" Felix whimpered, gripping onto the side of Minho's shirt as his older brother rubbed his back comfortingly.

"I think...I think there's something else I should tell all of you" Chan said, turning his head to face Felix, "especially you" Chan's eyes softened as he walked over to Felix.

Minho stepped away, allowing Chan to wrap his arms around Felix's mid-section.

"Babe, all the times you were sleep walking, you weren't actually sleep walking" Chan started.

'Oh fuck' "Chan don't" Jooheon suddenly spoke up, "don't make this situation worse" Jooheon pleaded.

"Jooheon, he needs to know. They all need to know" Chan briefly glanced over to Jooheon before looking back to Felix, staring into his confused brown eyes, " wasn't you that nearly killed Changbin" Chan sighed, preparing himself mentally for what he was about to say next.

Jooheon was mentally slapping Chan, sighing. This was just gonna make everything so much worse.

"Lix...Lisa can control you"

Well...looks like Felix finally knows he can be controlled...

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