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The car ride to what Yoongi hesitated to call home were antagonizing slow for not only him, but for everyone. Omega's have a pheromone that is sent out whenever frightened—and with the worrying thoughts coursing through his mind every five seconds. He couldn't help but feel scared, which made the other Alpha's trapped in the car extremely uncomfortable and on edge. The scent was practically just as suffocating as of their own—Those who were sitting right next to them held onto the seats to stop themselves from attacking him right then in there in the back seat. And innocently enough, the omega stood oblivious to the strained Alphas.

"We're here." Jin had managed to choke out, his throat aching from being to dry. Peeling away his hands from the steering wheel he gripped so tightly on— He watched as everyone piled out of the car.

Hoseok let out that ball of air that he'd held in so long, wedged in the middle of his throat. He could feel his whole body shiver as cool wind hit is body—hot from being stuck with the omega who made the whole ride uncomfortable. His arms aching from clutching onto the seat so much—hell his whole body ached. It took so much in him to refrain from jumping the boy right then and there. His scent becoming something of a drug he almost felt he were overdosing on.

Yoongi shuffled on his feet, sucking his bottom lip between his teeth to help calm what nerves could be tamed. His fingers nipping at the loose strings of his poor sweater once more as he took in his surroundings slowly. The House were bigger then he'd thought it to be— wooden and designed to perfection.

"You better not have tainted him with your nasty ass hands." Jungkook snapped as soon as he'd gotten out of the car. The whole ride—his nerves were on edge. Worried about what the others were doing to his omega. The never ending thought of them touching him made every part of him lit up with anger.

"And if I did?" Hoseok snickered back mockingly—lifting an eyebrow at the new toy he were going to play with. That were the bright side of Yoongi being here now. He now had a way to mess with the others—and with never ending possession problem and unstable emotions, Jungkook was a number one target for his teasing. He watched with crossed arms, unfazed as the younger stepped closer to him with intimidating height.

"Don't test me." The younger seethed.

"We really got to know each other in there." Hoseok grin widened. Happy with his words. It weren't as if it were a lie, he'd gotten to know a few things about the omega. Or what he could get from it. The smaller boy was dangerously nervous, stuttering and stumbling over his words when he got too close for him to concentrate. But how could he not? He loved the reaction. The way he shifted in his spot and blushed so deeply it turned a bright red made everything in his body lit up with excitement.

Jungkook growled at him through clenched teeth, looking as if he were about to reach out to punch the older but before yoongi could see—-someone grabbed at his hand. So gentle he could barely feel it.

"I assume you may be scared. I'll show you to your room before things become hectic." Jin smiles reassuringly, his eyes wavering over to the Alpha's looking as if they were about to fight at any moment. Knowing how bloody the situation could go, the last thing he wanted was for the pure omega to see that. Yoongi let him lace there fingers together— stumbling over his feet a bit. His mind still out of it as his nerves stood on end.

He couldn't describe the calmness that washed over him being around the Alpha, his aura being more nurturing and kind compared to the other's— who he had yet to feel anything but anger from. He didn't know these men, But Jin was the only thing to what he were at home. He had a sense of warmth to him that helped calm him the most. He tried his best to take in everything as he were led into the house.

The inside were beautiful as the outside. Big and spacious— decorated to comeplete perfection. "Your room is upstairs with everyone else's. You can explore the house anytime you want, everything here is yours as well after-all." Jin smiles softly—pulling softly at his hand to lead him upstairs.

His heart racing rapidly at the sight of where there hands linked. It were the first time he were able to spend at least a minute with the omega— having being thoughtful of everyone else and giving them there chance. He could feel every part of him be engulfed with happiness. He knew he were going to have to get over that small part of him that hung selfish thoughts through his head—knowing that now that he had to share the said omega. His time with him were limited between the five other attention demanding men just outside the house.

"That, is my room. If you need anything or are having problems just knock." He reassures. Leading him further down the corridor of there house— making sure to pass each room the other Alpha's had. Hoping the said omega never steps inside any of those except his. The mere thought of any of the other men bringing him into their room send his body ablaze.

He felt a sort of guilt hit him—his selfishness were truly changing him for the worst. As much as he wanted to spend all his time with the said omega, he had to think of the others as well. And with that he had to watch what he does. The thought of kissing the omega were a repeating voice in his head egging him on as he looked down at the said boy. His fingers ghosting over the door of, what once was a empty room.

"This is it. I hope everything is alright, if you need anything else. Please don't hesitate to ask me."

Yoongi yanked at his sleeves slightly,
opening his mouth to speak but wasn't sure what he were to say. He wasn't sure— "t-thank you."

Jin felt his heart skip three beats. His wolf howling happily with just two words. Body bursting with so much feeling he couldn't evens describe if he were asked. He blinked— flustered and taken aback by it.

"Y-you're welcome."


Soft moments.

That song is totally random, but I've been listening to it for so long. On another note, IKON'S COMEBACK IS TOMMOROW. I am not ready for Jay to attack me. So if I don't update tomorrow that means I died.

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