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[A-N. I took the time to count the votes, except the one's that were repeated multiple times. You only get to vote once to make it fair. Also, don't get upset because the rest will definitely get their Time as well. This is just the beginning.]

"Okay so...let me get this straight," Jin paused, exhaling as he pinched the bridge of his nose as if it was physically painfully to process this. "You and Jungkook got into a fight, and Yoongi ended up going into heat. And to make it worst, you locked him in a room. Alone. In pain."

Namjoon opened his mouth to defend himself— but as the words sunk in. He realized he had no words of defense.

"Where is Jungkook?" The older asked with a sigh. Already regretting ever returning home.

"Upstairs." Namjoon mumbled with a slight pout— looking elsewhere to avoid eye contact.

"Really Namjoon? Of all people, I'd expect you to know what you're doing. You're the smartest person in the house." The older stretched, annoyance and a growing stress laced between his voice.

"Well..I locked him up in his room." Namjoon argued.

"Yes. Because a door is going to keep him in. I don't think you remember but the same boy we are talking about almost lifted a couch by himself to throw it at Jimin for unplugging his game." Jin bit back matter-a-factly. The memory still clear as day in his mind, despite it being almost a year since the event happened. The mark inked over his skin from having to save a highly endangered Jimin was proof enough.

"Well what do you expect I do? I never been in a situation like this. I don't know how to handle it. It happened so fast. I—"

"Namjoon" Jin interrupted.


"Shut up. Go get water and some snacks, and leave it at Yoongi's door. After that go make sure Jungkook hasn't ruined anything and keep him under control. I swear I'm living with dumbasses." He mumbled the rest under his breath— his voice dimming as he walked away. Swinging his arms through the air as he mumbled his words of anger.

He couldn't believe the goddess would play such a awful joke on him. After spending half the day tracking down Yoongi's best friend— the red head who flared dagger's into his soul when they'd first went to get him. His day seemed to be going great when he did happen to find her. She is more a firecracker then he ever thought she would be. Most omega's were sweet and almost silent. But she was loud and had no filter with her words. Which didn't click well with him at first, but if he wanted to find out what Yoongi saw as a perfect date— then he had to suck it up.

She'd ultimately cracked like a nut and given him all the information he needed, maybe a little more then what he wanted. So his day was going pretty good— well that was until he came home to a frantic Namjoon yanking him through the door before he could pull the keys out the lock.

Now he had to deal with Yoongi in his heat. Something he hadn't even thought to prepare for.

"Yoongi?" He called out softly— knocking on the door once in a slow approach. Not sure if the omega would want any company or not. There was different type of mood's omega's could go brought during their heat. One of the many could be aggressive— which is why he wanted to take a slow approach. Not wanting to just waltz in and get his head chopped off by a wild omega in heat.

"Yoongi. It's Jin. May I come in?" He asked, voice just as gentle as it was last time. Yet no answer. He waited longer then someone should for an answer— just standing outside his door in waits for something that indicated a yes or a no. But nothing.

He pondered whether he should just leave and let him go through with it by himself— but he spent a few moments with Omega's before to know the pain they go through. Like ruts, but very— very much more painful. He would hate to leave him alone to handle it by himself.

Just as he was about to step back and walk away— he heard a faint voice. So quiet if he wasn't gifted with good hearing, then it would have went unnoticed completely.

"C-come in."

Jin winced— even his voice sounded like he was in pain. Surely it was serious, he could smell everything from out here. Which was what made him hesitate the most when he was actually invited in. His hand lingering over the knob as he stared down at it in thought.

The moment— going by as fast as it had came, He finally pushed the door open. Slowly as he could in caution, still unaware of whether Yoongi was going to attack him as soon as he stepped inside or not. But as the door completely open— he realizes he safe and steps all the way in. Closing his eyes a bit in pause to let himself process the immense smell filling his senses. His mind feeling like fogging like a mirror in a bathroom after a hot shower. Yet he remained calm.

"J-Jin?" Yoongi asked, in a daze as he blinked to clear his blurry eyes. Tilting his head to the side in a innocent curiosity— limbs shaking against his while as his body reacted on his own will. Slick running a trail down his thigh just at an alpha's presence alone.

"Don't try to move too quickly, you'll make it worst." The older instructed softly— realizing Yoongi wasn't that type of omega to get aggressive, he stepped closer. The intoxicating scent of heat and slick beginning to fill his senses much heavier then he'd like it to be— but he couldn't complain. The smell was addicting.

"It hurts so bad."

It wasn't as if it was a lie. Out of all his heats— this was the most painful he's ever had.

"I know, baby. I'll help you."


The funny part is, I was going to make it Jin anyway— but like I decided to have you guys vote and Jin ended up winning. IANSNSN.

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