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WARNING- mature(ish)


Hoseok felt a pride swell up inside him like a balloon, body heating with excitement as he felt Yoongi swallow under his hand. His rigged breathing becoming noticeable through the silence around them. Yoongi let out a chocked moan—Throwing his head back as much as he could under the restriction of Hoseok's hand just as Hoseok let out a hard thrust. His legs tightened around the alpha's waist on instinct— body twitching slightly against another thrust.

"What's my name again?" Hoseok asked huskily— tongue running over dry lips as he tried to take in a sight he'd been greedily feeding from for what felt like hours now. Milky skin glistening with sweat, Thighs pink from previously spanking— and those lips. Red and bruised as Yoongi stared up at him through hooded eyes. He was going insane.

"H-Hoseok." He chocked out loudly, Arching his back off the clouds of cover as Hoseok thrusted harshly. His body rocking with heat once more under familiar pleasure coursing through him. Hoseok leaned in closer—Pulling the raven haired man into another bruising kiss. Tongues dancing as Hoseok ate up every moan that spilled past abused lips. Hands clutching tightly onto small hips as he shot his hips once—Growling as Yoongi yelped.

Breathing heavy against the alpha's lips as he tried to pull him in for another kiss but before he could, Hoseok pulled back. Running a hand over the hot skin of his chest and stopping just where Yoongi had originally wanted him to pay attention to. Instead of giving his member the attention it so desperately needed— He slapped his thigh softly. As obedient as Hoseok could even imagine, Yoongi flipped himself over without him having to say a word. The action itself made his chest burn with pride.

He pressed a soft kiss over the hot skin of his back, letting his hands roam freely. Tracing every single outline of his body— taking special time to kneed at the plush of his ass [to test the waters of course].

"Hoseok." Yoongi mumbled lowly.

"What is it?" Yoongi shivered as his lips brushed against his ear, his heat radiating off on him in waves.

"I want y—"

"Yo! Hoe, hoe!" Taehyung shouted loudly. Hoseok hopped up from a awfully real like dream—heart racing as his ears ringed from the sudden loudness. "Good morning!" The younger smiled excitedly.

Hoseok growled in annoyance as he glared at a disgustingly too happy alpha standing at his door. Arms wide open as he smiles at him— completely oblivious to what he has ruined.

"What's going on ho—"

"What the fuck do you want?" He groaned— the beginning of his day already brought to complete shit by just one person. His mood not much of a positive each.

"Nothing. I can't welcome you when you wake up anymore?" Taehyung frowned with a painfully fake pout plastered over his face. Hoseok never wanted anything more then to just throw the said man out a window and go back to whatever dream he was having.

"You have never  welcomed me when I wake up in the many years we've known each other. What the fuck do you mean anymore?" Hoseok seethed.

"Yes I have! Remember that one time when we were in college and you were sick and I had to skip football practice to take care of you?" He implied.

"I wasn't sick, I had a headache. And the only reason you woke me up was because the bathroom door opened by itself and you got scared." Hoseok spoke bluntly, shifting in his spot once more to loosen the tightness in his briefs.

"In my defense, a lot of weird shit happened in there. You can't blame me for being skeptical." Taehyung shrugged— leaning against the door frame. Sadly, for Hoseok, meant the younger was here to talk his head off. So he shifted in his spot once more, hoping the pain would subdue until Taehyung decided the conversation was boring and went to go piss off Jungkook.

"Anyway, Want t—"


"You didn't even hear what I had to say."

"I don't care. It's a no. Get out."


"Because i want privacy. Get the fuck out."


"What am I suppose to do now?" Yoongi groaned in frustration.

It was no surprise he was nothing but horrible at video games, Jungkook had proven to him that he was the worst player at every game possible. The thought of that had failed to cross his mind when Taehyung had invited him to play with him. Now, he was making a complete fool of himself. After blowing himself up multiple times with his own grenades, and shooting the wrong people. He was sure gaming wasn't for him.

"That's your teammate." Taehyung laughing lightly. Watching how Yoongi presses rapidly on random buttons— eyebrows knitted together as he shot at everything on the screen except the enemies.

He made a mental note to thank Hoseok for kicking him out of his room when he did—if he hadn't he wouldn't be having time to himself with Yoongi.

"Wait what? It is?" Yoongi blinked, staring at the screen intently as he tried to check for himself. Yet the attempt seemed futile since he had no idea how to tell enemies from teammates apart.

"Yeah. You've been shooting at the wrong people for the past ten minutes now." Taehyung teases lightly. Yoongi huffed in frustration again— throwing himself back on the couch to hide himself behind a pillow.



I am so sorry, wow.

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