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Yoongi huffed in frustration—running a hand through his hair for the tenth time in the short hour he'd been stuck on the couch. Mentally cursing whoever had the great idea for banana's in this game as he watch the cars zoom past him. Once again bumping him down to last place— his fingers beat around the controller frantically to get back on track. But his attempt seemed futile, Jungkook had already gotten first place.

"How?!" Yoongi shrieked in disbelief. Not sure how the alpha could have possibly gotten number one when he strictly remember glancing over to his screen and checked his position. Which was definitely not close to number one.

"Magic." He grinned cockily, leaning back on his hands a bit in a way that made the bed bounce. He didn't expect their date to be this. But after their little...moment. Jin suggested that they stayed home for yoongi's protection. Not knowing if Jungkook could really control himself if he did go haywire— Leaving him with Yoongi whole still sensitive with emotions wasn't something none of them thought were a good idea. At first, He was mad. Of course he'd be mad— He'd spent hours planning a perfect date only to be told he couldn't do it. And after a long few minutes of huffing and arguing his side of things to his peers, he finally came to the conclusion that he wasn't going to win against the five other alpha's who were just as stubborn as he was. So he agreed to just staying home with him.

Having Yoongi in his room, sitting cries crossed over his bed. His soft scent mixing gently with his was a treat all on his own— He'd almost forgot about the date he so sadly couldn't ever have. Having the omega in his room was better then that even if he hadn't experienced the date to even decide that.

"How do you do it?" He inquired eagerly. Leaning up on his hands to show his desperation. He's done nothing but lost non stop by him—and he'd finally lost it.

"Do you really want to know?" Jungkook asked softly, glancing between both star like eyes staring up at him widely. Almost breaking the fake character he'd so quickly put on when the omega nodded eagerly at him. "Do you really want to know?"

"Come on. Just tell me!" Yoongi groaned with impatience. Leaning further on his hands as if that would speed the painfully slow way the alpha spoke. Jungkook opened his mouth to speek but chose against it— wanting to stretch this moment a little longer so the image engraved itself in his mind. He wasn't sure what it was that made his body react so oddly, But the way Yoongi leaned so closely to him— the arch of his back so noticeable under the light peach sweater as he stared at him with such eager eyes had him feeling a way that he shouldn't be feeling at the moment.

"Tell me!"

"I guess I have no choice but to tell you." He sighed in conclusion. "The secret to me winning is,"

He trailed off— Leaning closer against what he really intended on doing. So close, if he moved any more their noses would touch. So damn close. He was practically drowning in the scent of him. Yoongi blinked, Warm breath fanning against his lips like a feather to skin. The husk of the alpha invaded sensitive senses. Fogging up his own mind— preventing him from really thinking straight enough to process what was happening.

Jungkook, despite what everything else warned him not to do, moved closer. So close, he could practically feel the warmth of the other wolf over him. Lips brushing so softly it was almost non existent. Jungkook was so intrigued by how red and plump the lips were— He wasn't even aware of how slowly yet quick enough he was loosing himself. A urge to press further— to find some type of answer to whether those same red lips were soft as they looked.

"W-what are you.." Words seemed to be beyond useless to the alpha, each word going through on ear and going out the next. Yoongi leaned back— but the action seemed to be just as futile as his words had been when the alpha followed him.

Darkness piercing into him like needles. Yoongi opened his mouth again to speak, but he wasn't sure what to say in such moment. That almost familiar alpha pheromone beating at his senses as the alpha pressed himself closer. So close, Jungkook felt like he was actually drowning in the almost intoxicating scent. His wolf on cloud 9  for what reason he understood. Having the omega trapped under him took everything in him not to go insane.

That was until he seen the worry in those starry light eyes was until reality really hit him in the balls. He jumped up, pushing himself up off the bed as if Being next to him was painful. Head feeling light from how fogged he'd been in the moment— everything now becoming so clear it hurt. He'd almost lost himself. In a matter of seconds he'd managed to lose almost all type of control he thought he had over himself. And goddess knows what would have happened if he hadn't stopped himself here.

"I think you should go."

"W-what?" Yoongi queried softly, Voice just as shaky and unbalanced as his nerves.

"It's not safe for you to be in here right now. I-i think you should go." Jungkook fumbled with the things on his dresser as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. His hands shaking— body on end from coming down from such situation.

"O-oh. I..okay." He stumbled— trying his best to walk out on shaking legs but helplessly failed. Using the door for leverage, he shut the door behind him slowly. Leaning against it to take a breath.

"What just happened?"


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