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"Warm" A muffled voice mumbled.

The moment itself that Yoongi was in his bed hadn't registered in him until he looked down in a panic, thinking some random person was in his bed. Only to find Yoongi fast asleep against his chest, limbs tangled around him like rope to his body. He wasn't one for hugs—Having to punch Jimin multiple times for his endless touchiness before, It was not surprise. But Yoongi was another matter. If it was anyone else— he was sure he'd push the person off his bed faster then he could say "bitch".

Yet, That small hatred for some sort of physical contact was short lived. Something about this moment felt better then any type of hug he'd ever gotten— a comforting warmth that he couldn't explain. He couldn't help but embrace the rumbling in his chest as Yoongi shuffled against him once more. Stretching his neck to burying his face in the warmth of his neck—He let out a hum of approval.

A part of Hoseok wanted to stay in such a position for a few moments longer— the thought of letting the selfish part of him pushing him to take this time with him wisely. He knew this moment wouldn't last long even if he'd wanted it to. Having to share a house with six other men— privacy was a delicacy he barely experienced. Sooner or later, someone is going to barge into the room for whatever reason he didn't want to be a part of.

"Yoongi." He whispered as softly as a a sleep filled voice can get. Yoongi groaned lowly in disapproval when he shook him slightly— flushing himself closer to whatever warmth he could feel against him.

"Yoongi, wake up." He tried again, Using the arm that wasn't trapped under the omega to shake him softly once more. The attempt seemed as futile as the last time when he felt Yoongi shake his head with a resounding "no". Just to prove his point.

"You have to wake up. Aren't you hungry?" He asked with reason this time— trying to ignore how much his heart was pounding against his chest just by being so close. He hoped Yoongi didn't feel how fast it was beating.

"No." Mumbled with a shake of his head. Hoseok sighed with a slight chuckle—fingers dancing at the slightly exposed skin of Yoongi's hip. Griping the it lightly. His hand tingling, He squeezed lightly.

"We have to get up at some point." He sighed once more. Having it take everything in him not to just give up and sleep for a few more hours, he squeezed the raven haired man's hip once more. "You have to eat something, Yoongi."

Silence. The only thing to fill the quiet room was the soft breathing fanning against his neck and the thinking of his heart beat pumping in his ears. After a while of fighting with himself— a want of sleep till prominently there. He releases Hoseok but not to far away. Finding the other side of the bed too cold for his liking.

Hoseok felt as if his ability to breath was unlocked like a unknown game character. Finally being able to breath clearly without Yoongi's sweet scent attacking his senses. The smell was still there— but he was thankful it wasn't as strong. Yoongi looked at him groggily through sleep filled eyes, black hair laying in a mess of curls around his face. Hoseok wondered how someone could look this good just waking up. Though he wouldn't mind seeing a sleepy Yoongi in his bed every morning.

"Good morning." Hoseok smiled happily, Snaking his arm around a slightly exposed waist. Yoongi groaned— still upset for having his sleep interrupted, but didn't bother to refuse being pulled closer.

"Let me sleep a little longer." He mumbled. The sleepy feeling growing onto him like a sneeze that won't come out as he rubbed his eyes. He attempted to burry himself against the alpha once more but before he could, Hoseok moved back out of reach. He groaned— realizing he wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep, he sat up.

"Can you not?" Namjoon seethed with annoyance— Stoping everything he was doing to send a glare across the table.

"What? I literally just breathed." Hoseok blinked innocently. Namjoon squinted his eyes—Seeing right through that fake act the older put on.

Yes, he was being cranky and irrational. But
Hoseok has been awfully happy this morning— and it was making him sick. When he left his room, the last thing he expected to see was Yoongi of all people leaving Hoseok's room. That image alone had him ready to rip Hoseok's throat out. Hoseok being happy and smiling as if it was the best day ever didn't help the problem. If anything it made it worse.

"Why are you so angry? It's too early for this shit." Taehyung chimed in all too unwontedly. Instantly receiving a heated glare from Namjoon. Namjoon wished he could shout out why he was mad—Positive that the rest would understand. He mouthed a silent "fuck you".

"Since I'm already hated. I'm just going to say it," Hoseok shrugged lazily. Despite how harsh Namjoon glared at him from across the table every five seconds, or how much he seethed at him. He continued to go unphased. After the morning he had— he was sure nothing could really ruin his day.

"Yoongi, would you go on a date with me?"

"The fuck?" Namjoon stood up. Accidentally knocking over his cup of orange juice onto a innocent Jimin's plate who sadly happened to be in the cross fire.

"Why are you yelling? Sit down." Jin groaned. The last thing he needed was to hear shouting early in the morning.

"You're okay with this?" Namjoon scoffed in disbelief.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Jin asked calmly. His tongue felt like it were stinging from the lies. Of course he weren't okay with Yoongi going off with other guys— He hadn't been okay with it since he went with Namjoon. But he knew his boundaries, and he also knew that he couldn't just think of himself in this situation. It would be up to Yoongi in the end to choose. "You got your chance, let Hoseok get his."

"Well let Yoongi answer this then. It's up to him. I'm sure he wouldn't—"



I am so sorry. IDOL was iconic. But Seesaw was THAT bitch. I could literally write a whole book on how much I love Seesaw.

Also, I have been having so many book ideas. And now I have over 100 drafts. Pls help.

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