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—"Sore Loser"—

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—"Sore Loser"—


Taehyung shouted in disbelief. That once nonchalant act he'd been putting on since dinner started, gone out the window. When Yoongi had suggested the game again to avoid he stressful thing called choosing. Taehyung was more then happy to comply—having many new tricks up his sleeve to get himself picked. He had the most clever cheat he'd ever thought of in his life, and after doing everything just as he'd planned in his head. He was sure he would hear taehyung . But instead, he heard;

"Park Jimin! Yeah! You heard it here folks." Jimin mocked happily, spreading his arms out as he turned around like he was jesus himself. Happily taking in the hateful stared he'd gotten from everyone else.

"What do you mean? Read the name again." Taehyung ordered— disbelief still grasping at his mind. Refusing to let him believe Jimin of all people got the next date when he cheated.

"It says," Namjoon looked down at the folded paper once more. "Jimin."He shrugged.

Taehyung groaned loudly— Moving as if he was going to flip the table but stopped himself just short. Knowing he'd be left to clean the after-mat up all to his lonesome. The last thing he needed was a defeat and spending his late night cleaning up door from off of the floor. Jimin glances over at Hoseok— who surprisingly looked calmer than what he'd expected. He'd thought Hoseok would be the one acting like what Taehyung was, but the older was strangely quiet. Which was shocking all by itself.

"Rematch. I want a rematch." Taehyung demanded with a slam of his fist.

"Taehyung you said that last time, and we were at it for a whole hour. We aren't doing this again. Jimin won. End of discussion." Namjoon dismisses— Biting his tongue in hopes that biter sting over it would settle at some point. He wasn't sure why he was upset Jimin had won, It wasn't like his name was in the stupid cup to be picked. He'd had his chance— and until everyone else has had there's he was left on the side.

He didn't want to seem selfish, But how could he not? This was every man for himself— Yoongi was the main priority. Having to see the person your wolf yearns for pick som one else is like having your heart ripped out of your chest slowly, over and over again. Bonds between wolves were a strong thing— That's why so many people rely on what their wolves feel. And that's why there was a unspoken of competition between the five alpha's. Even if they hadn't spoken of it out loud, they knew it was everyone for themselves at this point.

"You don't care because you had your time. What about everyone else?" Taehyung accused. That bitter burn settling in his stomach, still sizzling as if trying to spark back up again. He knew Jimin won it fair and square— But the game felt like complete bullshit now. Having seen Namjoon and Yoongi grow almost to bestfriend status with just one stupid date had him even more eager to get his date. But it was becoming more and more difficult with the other alpha's in the way. Again, stupid game.

"I don't care because the game is fair, and Jimin won. Just wait until it's your turn." Namjoon shrugged, once again dismissing the younger's sounds of anger at his words. Taehyung huffed once more— Leaning back in his seat as he sent a glare at a overly happy Jimin. Smiling ear from ear as he watched a unbothered Yoongi take another fork full of cake.

Having spent a week with the said alpha's already. Yoongi had surprisingly became use to the constant arguing— Finding ways to block out the deafening shouts of everyone else and the suffocating smell of pheromones. He was becoming almost immune to it. His distraction this time— Was the cake he so proudly helped put together. Despite Jin doing most of the work, he was proud that he at least helped. Even if he hadn't done most of it right.

"This is complete bu—"

"No one gives a shit." Hoseok mocked back. Taehyung let out a small growl, raising his hand after he made sure Yoongi was looking to flick him off. Mouthing a loud "Fuck you".

"So are we done here?" Jungkook asked. Wanting to be over and done with this conversation just as quick as it had came. After completely ruining his own date— The last thing he wanted was to hear about who he was going on a date with next. And how amazing that date was compared to his. When no one spoke, He stood up— Glancing against every part of him telling him not to at Yoongi before walking out of the room. Leaving everyone to hopefully continue their antics so he could be alone to his own guilt.

"You're adorable." Jimin smiled happily—Soft eyes bending into crescents. Tips of his lips widening as he smiled brightly at a shocked omega. Yoongi blinked a few times— trying to swallow the cake he was chewing on and process the sudden compliment at the same time.

"W-what?" He chocked out.

"I said," Jimin leaned in closer, head rested on his hand as he took in the way the Yoongi's adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed. Recently bitten lips swollen and red like a cherry—Jimin felt the urge to pull the said lips between his own teeth for a test. Yoongi bated his eyes rapidly, Face burning from the close proximity. The smell of husk and woods filling his nose— fogging an already uncleared head. The alpha's breath fanning over his lips. "You're—"

"Okay, that's enough." Hoseok chimed in. Pulling a even more shocked Yoongi away from a dilated alpha. Jimin shook his head— blinking to clear the sudden haze that covered his eyes. Jin let out a breath, glad that Hoseok stepped in before Jimin did something worst then just touch nose's.

"What? Fuck off. We were talking." Jimin seethed.

"Yeah. Because being inches away from sucking his face off is talking." Hoseok scoffed in disbelief to the younger's lies. Hand still holding onto the arm of a confused omega who still hadn't processed how he'd gotten in such position in the first place.


I was going to post the date chapter with these two but that's gonna take more time and I honestly wanted to just post these two chapters. So,


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