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"Worth it"

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"Worth it"

It's been a whole four weeks now.

Everyone was growing exhausted with the wait and the house was slowly falling apart. Yoongi stopped coming out of his room all together, avoiding everyone else in the house all day and only coming out at night when everyone is completely sleep. Him avoiding everyone, sadly enough, effected them dearly.

They hadn't noticed how much they depended on Yoongi, not just as someone they care about but as a energy booster, someone to make their day up and be that person they could express themselves to. Taehyung was the first one to fall from this. Yoongi was the one who helped him sleep , but now he's resorted to going back to sleeping with a pillow. Which doesn't work the way he use to. It was lifeless and cold, it wasn't as nearly as warm and cozy as Yoongi was. He felt ten times as better when he got to hold yoongi, and secretly enough, half of the time he begged yoongi to let him hold him wasn't so he could go to sleep. It was just to spend time with him after a long day of everyone else hogging his attention.

Namjoon was next to fall, along with Jin. The two who had spent hours with Yoongi, helping him through his heat and being there for him during his more vulnerable moments. Jin thought he could hold out longer then the rest of the boys, that it wasn't that big of a deal and this would blow over soon enough. Yet it didn't and he was left a mess because he missed being around the small ravenette who made cooking more special then anything else in the world. When he cooked now, he'd always turn to his right where the ravenette would usually stand, in disappointment, the spoon Yoongi had used to taste test most of the food they were working on still in his hand.

Namjoon missed him as well, he missed being the big useless bolder for him to hide behind when the others are bothering him or Jimin is demanding a hug. He missed being the person Yoongi would run to when scared or needed protection from anyone else, even if it once almost led to him getting his head bashed in by a chair due to Jimin and Jungkook fighting.

Hoseok and Jimin took, surprisingly, a while to break before going into a complete sad mood. Hoseok missed Yoongi much more then he thought he would. He always saw himself as independent, someone who didn't need anyone else to survive, yet here he was moping about one small man who hadn't talked to him in weeks.

Jimin, had surprisingly gone quiet the past few days, only speaking when spoke to, only in the living room when needed or in the kitchen when he is hungry. He would usually spend his time away from yoongi annoying the rest but now he just felt like it was pointless. Everything was pointless.

Jungkook was the last to break. Well, from what he showed anyway. He tried not to show his was slowly losing it, fearing the guys would continue to see him as this emotionally fragile child who had no idea how to channel their emotions. But really he missed Yoongi as much as everyone else, many times he's found himself just sitting down against the smaller mans door, thinking about all the small things he did. Like how he'd sit in his lap just to get his attention or just a simple hug, or when he would always hop under the same blanket as him and binge watch the same shows over and over with him.

"I literally can't do this anymore." Jungkook groaned, standing up as if to make his actions clear enough as the whole room stared at him.

"Neither can we but you don't see us complaining. Sit down." Hoseok sighed. He hadn't even thought about how just yesterday he was complaining and whining to Namjoon about how he missed Yoongi.

"No. You've been telling me that for days now. It's been weeks, guys... weeks." The younger man stressed. He found it complete bullshit, everytime he's made even the slightest attempt to confront Yoongi about it, they would knock it down and make up the same reasons as to why he shouldn't.

"Well we can't just walk into his room and demand he tell us what's wrong with him." Jimin chimed in, To which Jungkook answered with a glare.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" He snapped back, staring daggers into the pink haired mans face. Jimin looked back at him as if he was about to say something, "don't even answer that, I am not in the mood."

"I was going to say, how about we just knock on his door and see if he—"

"You guys are brainless. He is avoiding us for a reason, if we all just knock on his door and come to him it will only make it worst. Think already." Namjoon ranted with pure annoyance. Kids. They were all kids. No logical thinking, only emotions. Which was ignorant of him to think because just a few weeks ago he was crying like a child because he thought yoongi hated him.

"Then what do you think we should do, smart ass? Please enlighten us because the last few ideas you gave us just led us waiting longer." Jungkook spoke through gritted teeth.

"You're right Jungkook, my ideas are horrible. I don't know what to do. None of us do. So shut the fuck up and stop acting like a child so we can actually think of something." The elder bit back. He wasn't actually mad at Jungkook, nor was the younger man was to him, but he couldn't see himself caring any longer. Things were becoming too out of hand, too unorganized and the last thing he needed was Jungkook or any of them doing anything stupid.

"Then what should we do? Every idea any of us came up with sucked. I'm telling you let's ju-"

"Oh my gosh, shut up. I have an idea."

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