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"Jungkook. Sit down, You're gonna burn a hole in the floor."

Jimin groaned with annoyance, finally meeting his limit with the younger who couldn't stay still to save his life. Pacing back and forth repeatedly in a way that drive him crazy. He shrugged when the younger sent him a glare— ignoring what he said to continue his never ending pacing.

"Is he still at it?" Taehyung groaned in realization, stopping just at the door to take in the scene. Hesitant to take another step. Jungkook has been at his pacing for hours on end—Huffing and puffing in impatience as he waited. He could feel the eagerness practically radiating off of the younger. Hell everyone were eager to see the Omega. Everyone wanted to have time to be with the smaller boy— but didn't have the guts to actually knock on his door and ask for some. Which left Jungkook with no other option but to stalk the stair case until the omega came downstairs on his own time.

"Sadly." Jimin replied with a sigh. Leaning back lazily on the couch once more to get some type of comfort. "I'm surprised the floor didn't break under him yet." He tsked jokingly.

"I hope it does at some point so I don't have to see him anymore." Taehyung joked light heartedly— shuffling over to the single couch like thing he couldn't really figure out whether it were a chair or a couch for the life of him. Flopping down onto it as if he were nothing but a sack of potatoes.

"I can hear you guys." The younger growled at the two— who'd quickly gotten over there annoyance at him. Attention to the drama displayed over the television. Taehyung gave him a short disinterested stare—goin as quickly as it had came.

"Look, I know yo want to have time with him. But you gotta give him time to process this shit."  Jimin shrugged—not bothering with eye contact to prove his point. Finding it bothersome and futile against the stubborn Alpha.

He understood the younger's desperation— He too wanted to spend some time with the omega. But he also understood that the omega needed time. After Jin had brought him to his room—which the other Alpha's didn't like so well. The omega had yet to leave his room in the last three hours they've been home. The other wolves were on edge— the impatience to see him were becoming almost choking. Jimin has also had felt that itch of impatience's but he pushed it down as fast as it had came. No matter how much he did want to spend time with him— he knew the omega needed time of his own to process the situation.

With little to no actual strength and delicate features. Omega's weren't seen as actual wolves— They were like human's with a inner wolf. Other ranks failed to see them as one of there own. Once a year they get gathered and chosen to become a "mate" for higher ranks. It was a heartless cycle— but it helped keep the population alive. He felt a pang of guilt bite at his chest. Having being in a moment of selfish, he hadn't realized he hadn't even taken the time to learn the boy's name. Hell no one did. Not even Jin— who unlike the rest of the boys, kept a level head through the whole event.

"Do you guys even know his name?" Jimin blurred out of his own thoughts. He watched as the room went silent— the two Alpha's stared at him for a moment. As if trying to process what the question were. Then there was the oh shit moment Jimin had previously went through— Their mouths wide with sudden realization. That guilt building up with the shame of their selfishness.

"What the fuck were we doing the whole
Time that we couldn't have even asked for his name?" Taehyung breathed out with disbelief— his eyes wide as he stared at the other two who were just as clueless as he were.

"We are such horrible people." Jimin sighed to himself, throwing his head back with shame. Jungkook bit his lip— lowering his own head with so much shame is wolf whined.

"I didn't ask for his name." Taehyung were in total shock. More so at himself for forgetting the most important thing there was to meeting someone. And the fact that he were too busy fighting with everyone else to learn his own "mates" name—made his chest ache with so much guilt and shame it began to hurt.

"What shitty Alpha's we are, huh?" Jungkook laughed lightly. Jimin hummed in agreement— letting a silence wash over them. Leaving them to their own self pity.

This were a first in the few days since they've met the Omega, that they haven't fought with each other over the littlest thing. What once were a bond of friendship had turned for the worst over their own jealousy— and now they were paying for it deeply. Jungkook shook his head—They had been so caught up in being at each other throats they hadn't once spoke to the Omega about how he were or how he were feeling. And even worst they didn't even bother to learn his name. They were surprised he didn't hate them by now

"What the hell happened here?"

The three boys snapped out of their depressing thoughts— turning to stare at a confused Jin. Namjoon close behind with bags of food tightly in his arms. Taehyung felt like slapping himself— he hadn't even heard the front door open. His what he thought were super hearing were useless.

"Hyung, do you know his name?" Jimin asked. Jin scrunched his eyebrows in deeper confusion—turning to look at a now confused namjoon for answers but he only shrugged with a "the fuck I know" look. Then it hit them as well. The oh shit moment wavering over them as they looked at each other.

"We don't even know his name." Namjoon mentally fave palmed himself.

They had some making up to do.


I just want to say, thank you to everyone who voted and took the time to read this book so far. I promise to work hard to get more chapters out!

 I promise to work hard to get more chapters out!

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