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Yoongi were actually worried— ever since they jumped in he hasn't yet to come back up from the water.

"Namjoon? Where—"

Before he could finish his question hands grasped at waist. He jumped on instinct, Flipping around to see what it was attacking him but saw a drenched Namjoon. Staring at him with a playful grin over his lips.

"You scared me." He sulked.

Namjoon would have felt bad for scaring him— But his mind were too boggled by how close they were. His breath heavy from all the swimming he did as he took in the omega's beauty for the hundredth time they've been together. Somehow, he looked even more pretty with wet black hair stuck to his forhead. Soft skin showing so much it made is physically impossible for him to stop looking.

"Ill race you."


The time seemed to go by faster then what Namjoon had ever expected to. It felt like they had just gotten there and now here they were packing everything back into the car to leave. A part of him wanted to curse at the sun for leaving so soon—Wanting to spend at least a little bit more time with Yoongi before he's taken away by the rest. But he knew he were being selfish at that point. At least he gotten to spend the day with him.

"A-are you sure your not cold?"

Namjoon fought the urge to smile like a complete idiot— he looked so small in his jacket it drove him crazy. He now understood why alpha's loved seeing their bonded one's in their own clothes. The feeling was amazing.

"Yeah. And once we get in, I'll throw the heater on." He smiled reassuringly at the omega— Who looked too worried for his own good. The fact that he were worried about him made his whole chest swell with something fierce. Once again trying to resist any urges to pull him in for a hug.

"I- but you still have-"

"I'm fine, Yoongi."

Yoongi bit his lip in protest— Guilt beating up his insides as he clutched onto his jacket for warmth. Ever since they gotten out of the lake, Namjoon had been clearly cold. If they were in their wolf forms it would have been better for them. But the process seemed to much— So they chose not to. He felt guilty for having his jacket. Despite the alpha offering it to him multiple times. He blamed himself— He'd still have his sweater to wear if it hadn't gotten wet.

"I'm fine. Let's just get in the car to warm up." He reassures again softly— noticing how mentally conflicted he looked. His teeth attacking his lip with worry . Yoongi nodded despite something in his telling him to continue to argue his side. But instead he complied— Shuffling over to his seat.

The car ride home was antagonizing. Having to fight himself from smiling or laughing when he thought about everything that they did today was painful. In the long hours they spent, Yoongi had become more open to him then what he'd ever expected. Actually speaking full on sentences with him then just a simple answer. His voice alone blew his mind— Deep yet soft. And he found himself asking Yoongi more questions then talking about himself just to hear his voice. He couldn't even describe his smile. The gummy smile was going to be the death of him— He wasn't sure how he didn't die at some point today without many times he was attacked about it.

"We're he-" He had been so caught into thought he didn't even notice Yoongi had fallen asleep. Legs tucked against his chest, using his jacket as a blanket. His jacket. Namjoon was smiling like a complete idiot now. Wanting nothing more then to just stay here but he was sure the boys inside heard the car pulling up. And if he didn't come in any time soon they'd think something up and come barging outside like wild animals.

Carrying Yoongi seems to be a a completely different highlight of his day— The omega seeming lighter then what he'd expected. But fit so well in his arms, he was positive he had a full on smile over his face now as he made his way in the house. He'd be in idiot to think no one would be lingering in in the living room. Well he'd expect Jungkook the most.

"What took you so long?"

"Why is his hair wet?"

"Why is he wearing your jacket?"

Namjoon ignored their bombarding questions as much as he could— deciding that Yoongi being able to sleep was more important then their childish questions. He paused a bit at his own bedroom door—But chose not to indulge in that part of him who wanted to share his bed with the omega. Not wanting to push anything or make him feel uncomfortable. It would take some time for Yoongi to ever be comfortable enough to share a bed with him or comfortably share any type of skin-ship like other bonded wolves do. But he was willing to wait.

"Woah" he blinked rapidly. Caught off guard completely with nothing but Yoongi's scent. Everything smelled like nothing but him. For a moment he had to stop to calm himself— He could barely handle Yoongi so close to him but the fact that he was in his room where his scent was everywhere made things even harder for him. Biting his own lip to contain himself— He gently placed him down on his bed. Blinking rapidly at the sudden whimper as he tried to get warm again.

"Not warm." He mumbled sleepily, Moving on instinct to whatever warmth there was near him. Namjoon could feel the pull— His wolf trying to push him to just join him. Hell he too wanted to as well. But he knew Yoongi were still half sleep, What he were saying was just out of sleepiness. Something his wolf hadn't seem to realize just yet.

"Good night."

And for the first time in his whole life, He actually went against what his wolf wanted.


Okay yes

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Okay yes. I agree this chapter was A complete mess but this was rushed. I'll try and write as much as I can while I'm out.

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