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"Have fun."

Taehyung mumbled bitterly— the taste of defeat still salt over his tongue. The shorter man's constant rubbing of his victory in his face didn't help the feeling subdue any quicker. To save himself the useless anger— he looked anywhere but the two standing at the front door. He knew Jimin was tryignto rub this in as much as he could. The last thing he was going to do was let him get under his skin.

"Take care." Yoongi smiled softly at the raven haired man— who grumpily beat at the poor controller trapped in his hands. It hadn't registered in his mind what the omega had said until Jimin had finally decided rubbing it in wasn't working. His chest fluttering as the words sunk in. He hadn't known words could make such an effect.


"You have a nice voice." Yoongi blurted randomly against a somewhat calming atmosphere. After a debate with himself over whether he should turn the radio on or just sit in silence [21 piloted reference all day] . He decided on not turning the radio on after all— not wanting to miss any type of words that the omega decided to say.

"What?" He asked with a slight smile, more so at his own disbelief. He hadn't even noticed he was singing until he'd pointed it out. The thought made his face burn in embarrassment.

"Your voice. It's really nice." Yoongi beamed softly— staring at him with just glimmering eyes it made his chest feel like it was about to burst again. His heart beat punching against his chest. Yoongi was truly going to be the death of him, he concludes.

"Hardly." The alpha scoffed back.

"No. It really is beautiful." He pushed forward sternly as if his words were a fact [which they were in a way]. Jimin gave him a short stare, eyes wide as if he'd just witnessed a murder before his eyes. It wasn't as if Yoongi was lying. In the short few minutes, Jimin had been singing this beautiful tune under his breath almost effortlessly. He found the younger's voice to be soothing— finding himself nodding off a few times.

Jimin hadn't really taken into consideration about singing. He knew he always had a passion for it— That was all he'd thought about in his teen days. But he'd never actually tried. It was a habit that had potential to be something more, but was left as nothing but a habit.

"I don't know. I don't think so." Jimin shook his head with a shrug. Eyes running over the colorful building of the town— Humans and what looked like humans roaming over side walks.

"Well. I think it's amazing." Yoongi smiled reassuringly before turning to look back out the window. Trying to soak in the aspects of the town they were driving through. Sadly unaware of the emotionally confused alpha trying to control hay-wire emotions. He blamed it on his wolf for doing this— Everything Yoongi says make his body light, his heart sent on edge to the point of bursting. And innocently enough, Yoongi had no clue that his words alone sent everyone's world crashing down.

Damn wolf bond.

The drive to the place where Jimin had stuck in his mind for days was filled with small talk. Mostly of Yoongi asking questions on the town or about a certain building that caught his interest. Jimin was more then happy to explain to him— the way he stared at him while he explained was amazing. But, when Yoongi had asked about a building he was hoping Yoongi somehow looked over. The car drive went from comfortable to awkward when Yoongi pointed to a sleek black building. The words "Vixen" written in dark red letters.

The last thing he wanted to do was explain to Yoongi about a sex shop he shamefully enough has been to once. The experience was, to say the least, a shocker. As soon as a stepped inside he almost had a seizure. Everything from whips to full leather body suites, it was too overwhelming for him. So he decided to never look into what Hoseok was into ever again. Finding that the older's privacy was suddenly important.

He decided not to speak up again until he saw the pink top of the familiar building grow closer and closer. Slightly happy that he doesn't have to explain the black building that he had so stupidly hoped wouldn't have stood out to the omega. Which was idiocy on his part when it was the only building painted all black wedged between a row of colorful buildings.

"We're here." Announced excitedly. Without giving much time to grasped the situation, Yoongi is already pulled out of the car. Hands laced between soft one's as he led him to the small ice cream parlor. This was one of his favorite spots— having been here so many times before in his lifetime and coming across so many cute couples. He'd made it a part of his list to have a date here.

The inside was just as beautiful as he outside, Walls a soft pink with pops of different bright colors in the shapes of different ice creams. Cute little tables with cushion like chairs, and colorful plushies everywhere. Yoongi felt like he was in a cute heaven— not being able to hold back the smile as he stared over all the plushies staring back at him with beaded eyes.

"It's so cute." Yoongi whispered, restraining himself from screaming like a child at a candy factory. Jimin smiled— trying to pull a dazed Yoongi still cooing over the cute things around him. Making sure to point every little single thing out from the furry carpet to the small ball lights hanging above.


Jimin was once again losing his mind.

He wasn't sure how to voice out his stupidity at the moment, Angry at himself for not thinking further a head. The thought of Yoongi with ice cream wasn't something he hadn't really pictured— but now he was here in the moment. And suffering severely for his own idiocy.

When Yoongi licked the ice cream from his spoon—Jimin felt like throwing himself away in the trash. He'd managed to set himself up without even trying. Now he had no choice but to be teased by a painfully oblivious omega. Who fails to realize cleaning a spook with his tongue was making nothing but pain and uncomfortableness to the alpha across from him.

H truly set himself up.


This chapter was horrible but again, being the unprofessional person I am, pulled this out of my ass at 10 o'clock at night.


School ain't shit.

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