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"Okay. Calm down." Rosé spoke calmly.

Yoongi took a deep breath— which was nothing but futile to calm his awoken nerves. His heart beating against his chest with panic and worry for something he still had yet to understand. Palms— sweaty and hot against the phone.

"Rose I don't know what to do."  He whispered through shaking breath.

Just calm down. Calm down, and tell me what's wrong." She attempted to reason with him as calmly as she could.

An hour ago-

After the date, Hoseok had seemed to disappear as soon as they got home. Yoongi didn't know what had happened— the alpha seemed to just change all of a sudden. After what he thought was just a normal beach walk, Hoseok had completely changed. He'd stopped talking much and distanced himself more then Yoongi was shamelessly enough use to by now.

He attempted to make small talk the ride home but all Hoseok did was grunt in agreement or ask him to repeat what he said because he was too out of it to listen. For a while— he worried it was his fault. But when he asked, all Hoseok did was tell him it's a personal problem and avoided toe subject all together. Yoongi wanted to believe that, but as soon as they got home Hoseok barely even looked at him. Usually he'd give him a hug or a smile— but all he is was go up to his room as if he wasn't there.

He spent minutes which felt like hours worried about what he could have done— rethinking about the time they were together for help. But he couldn't possibly think of anything that would have upset him. Was it him all together? He didn't know. But the thought of it made his stomach churn.

In the three weeks he's been living with them— he'd gotten so use to having someone paying attention to his every move he made. There had always been someone there to give him their full attention, seeing Hoseok ignore him felt like a stab to the chest. As someone who hated any type of physical contact—He didn't want to feel this way. Feel as if he needed to be hugged and have someone notice him. This was the last thing he ever thought he'd want.

After he spent many hours in his own lonesome— he decided to call Rosé for help.

"And that's why I called you." Yoongi concludes with a sigh.

Silence. Rosé has went so quiet Yoongi had to check his phone to make sure he hadn't accidentally hung up on her or vice versa. Yet her number was as clear as day over the screen.

"Okay. So what I'm getting from this is that you called me at one a.m because your boyfriend didn't give you attention?" Rosé asked groggily.

"Well, when you put it like that I sound crazy." Yoongi mumbled sulkily, looking down at where his sweater ends on his thighs to play with the ends of it in guilt. "I'm sorry I woke you up. But what if he hates me? I don't know what to do."

"You are so oblivious, it makes my ass itch." She sighed with so much passion, Yoongi could picture her slapping her forhead with a shake of her head.

"What do you mean?"

[If anyone makes a Justin Bieber pun I will scream. ]

"I mean. He wants to do the naughty with you but can't because you are still stuck in your ten year old phase where you think everything is rainbows." Rosé shrugged her shoulders as if she hadn't called her friend out on his life problems.

"What? I do not act like a ten year old. I'm a grown man." Yoongi pointed to himself to prove a point as if Rosé could actually see his actions.

"Really? When Soyeon asked you if she can have your V card, you went looking for an actual card with the letter V on it and gave it to her." She deadpanned, adjusting the phone between her ear and shoulder so she could look in the pantry for more snacks.

"How was I suppose to know that a V card meant virgin? Who says that?" Yoongi shrieked in defense.

"Literally everyone and their mom says it. You are just too busy trapped up in your room to hear it." She spoke lazily— cursing under her breath when an Oreo slips from her hand. "That was a perfectly good Oreo." She mumbled sadly.

"Are you seriously worried about an Oreo while I'm having a crisis?" Yoongi groaned. He should have known Rosé would struggle to take his problem serious— as she said before; if he wasn't bleeding out of his ass or having a heart attack she won't care. Seeing how he had neither thing happening, this was he least of her worries. Or so she made it seem like. He knew she cared— she was just very easily distracted.

"What crisis? Just go suck his dick and boom. Problem solved." She shrugged once more— mentally cringing at hearing herself say the one thing she hated the most.

"W-what? I-I can't do that! I never done anything like that before in my life! Do you know how to do it?" He chokes through his words. Rosé was the first person to know that Yoongi had never done anything remotely naught in his life. Reading a manga with a girl with terrifyingly large breast was the most dirtiest thing he'd ever done.

"Yoongi. I don't think me being a lesbian has registered in your mind yet. If my sexuality was an equation, dick would be out of it." She deadpanned— leaning on the cold marbles of her counter as she popped a Oreo between her lips.

"Well then what do I do?"

"I don't know. I figured you'd know what to do by now, your literally surrounded by a dick heaven. Use it." She hummed— scrunching her eyebrows as she studied the Oreo in her hand. "Why does the cream in this one look less then the other ones? The system is fucking rigged."

"Rosé. Not the time."

"Sorry. How about this? You get Taehy—"

"Hoseok" He corrected.

"Hoseok. You get him alone, get on your knees, suck him off and give him the best orgasm he ever had. After that he won't even leave your side." She concludes, proud of her somewhat unstable plan.

"A-are you sure? I don't know if I can. What if he hates me—"

"Stop being a basic bitch and go suck him off. Jesus."


Why does this story have almost 20k reads? Oml.

I'm not gonna question why you're reading this mess, but thank you all sm for the votes and your comments. <3
I say this a lot but this actually means sm seeing you guys comment and enjoy my writing. So thank you. <3

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