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"Go for it." Jin spike calmly—hands pinching at the seat below him out of instinct.

"Are you sure?" Hoseok asked.

"Yeah. I mean, as long as Yoongi is okay with it. I have no say. Any of us really." Jin tried to speak as calmly as he could, but his voice was becoming just as unstable as the fire beginning to burn in his chest. Of course he wasn't okay with Hoseok wanting to move forward with Yoongi. It was strictly dates for Yoongi to get to know them—not anything more then that. But it was Yoongi's choice whether he wanted to go further Or not. He (sadly) couldn't stop him.

"I don't feel comfortable sharing him with any of you wildebeest." Jimin blurted— sending a pointed glare at the men sitting idly by around him.

"If I have to bare with Namjoon clinging onto him like a fucking dog on its heat then you have to deal with sharing him as well." Taehyung hissed back, pointing his finger at Jimin's chest to prove his point. Namjoon let out a noise of disapproval— mostly offended with the younger's words then he was at agreeing to them.

"Are you guys fucking insane? He isn't our sex toy. You guys are talking about sharing him when we can barely share a same house without trying to rip each other's heads off."  Jungkook chimed in wildly. He wasn't sure how the conversation came about really.

They had all been sitting in the living room when Hoseok came to them about almost kissing Yoongi. At first— no one really knew what to say. There wasn't really a rule that they've spoken of that said they couldn't do anything with Yoongi. So when Hoseok came to them on the verge of having a stroke from how much he stressed from it. They had to have the talk at some point.

"Who said anything about sex? You horny fetus." Hoseok snapped back.

"Fetus? Do you want to fight? We can go right now. S—"

"Sit down. Just yesterday you couldn't even walk straight." Taehyung deadpanned deeply— resting his head on the tips of his fingers with a bored expression written over his face.

"So funny. More baby jokes. Keep it up and You all will wake up without any balls." Jungkook threatened angrily, huffing in annoyance as he leaned back in the couch once more. Finding that fighting with Hoseok wouldn't help the situation, no matter how much he wanted to.

"Don't take away something you don't have from someone else. I thought you were better the that." Jimin tsked sarcastically— mentally giving himself a high five.

"I would say stand up, but I forgot you only reach past my elbows so it wouldn't be a fair fight." The younger bit back snappily— scrunching his nose in a way only he thought were intimidating (which clearly wasn't). Jimin snarled at him, opening his mouth to shout out his retort—

"Guys. Can you stop acting like children for once in your annoying lives?" Namjoon intruded with annoyance laced through his deep voice. Jimin huffed, sending a look to Jungkook as if saying 'this isn't over,bitch' before sitting back in his seat.

"I'm just going to end this here, because clearly we aren't getting anywhere with dumb and dumber and dumbest over there." Jin sent a pointed look at the three wolves sitting lazily over the couch across from him— each looking as offended as the next.

"I have you know. I—"

"Don't care. Like I was saying, as much as I don't like this. Trust me I don't want to imagine you disgusting stacks of blobs on him. But if he wants to or is okay with it then okay. At the end of the day, he only chooses one of us." Jin spoke as calmly as he could. The last sentence felt like a sting to the throat— the thought of Yoongi choosing someone else had never sunken into his mind until now. He knew what he was getting into when he said Yoongi had to chose at the end— but shit did the words actually hurt to swallow.

"What if I don't want to share him? Have you guys ever thought about that? I still find this complete bullshit. Why cant he choose now?" Jungkook ranted with blatant impatience. Which, if anyone cared to asked, was what everyone except Jungkook had expected of. Jungkook was still a pup in the eyes of the werewolf world. Still not completely grown up— despite the age of just twenty. He had a lot of patience to obtain.

"He can't chose now because unlike you selfish pricks, Me nor Jin got our dates yet. So until then, fuck off." Taehyung sneered— pointing his middle finger up into Jungkook's face to make his point completely known. For once in what could be years, Jin actually found himself agreeing with Taehyung.

He, once again, was too busy trying to make sure everyone else had fair share— he failed to get his share of time. Him having a date with Yoongi had seemed to fly past his mind on so many occasions the thought seemed almost nonexistent. It wasn't like he hadn't already built some sort of relationship with the omega— despite the date. Yoongi had always found himself clinging to Jin in particular. Especially when the others got too riled up— he'd always go to Jin for a calmness he couldn't get with anyone else in the house.

"So can we just agree to being civil people for once? It's three a.m. and I want to go to sleep." Namjoon sighed.

"Fine. Let's just all go to sleep knowing we are running a sex cult. Because that's what we do now as civil people now." Jungkook ranted— sarcasm laced between his voice like venom as he stood up from his spot.


I don't want to rush this yet, but I highkey want to release the other part of this story.

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