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The disappointment was evident in everyone else's face when he read from the paper he'd so happen to to have to choose. After hours of arguing and fighting— Jimin decided to suggest a game that, Despite what his wolf wants, Was fair for all the Alpha's to get a chance. Everyone were to put their names on a piece of paper and they were to be shuffled. Then Yoongi was to pick a random piece of paper and whoever's name were on it was the one who got the first date.

Everyone were on complete end when Jimin displayed the paper's before him— Eyes locked onto the slightly veiny hand brushing over each one. Jungkook felt his heart skip when his fingers touched what was clearly his. He'd left a mark at the bottom of it to know which were his or not. But frowned when he kept skimming the papers. He wanted to say something so bad. Maybe leave a small hint to the right piece of paper. But with the burning glare he'd been receiving from Jin, who was too use to the younger's antics to know he were planning something, Kept his cheating at bay.

Now, as he watched Namjoon smile happily when his name was called. He was regretting not cheating with every being in his body. Jealousy boiling in him just at the thought of Namjoon being the first to go on a date with him. He'd already had everything planned out— In the small minutes the word Date were brought up. He'd already had scenario's playing through out his head. Now all pushed to the side for someone who he was sure didn't even have a plan in mind.

"Then it's decided," Jin sighed, The disappointment were in bright colors over his face. "Namjoon get's the first date."

Namjoon grinned, taking in the seething glares he got— He'd been expecting it. Of course no one was going to let his win go easily. He was prepared for the after-mat.


Namjoon wasn't prepared for the after-mat as much as he thought he were.

Every since yesterday, when he'd gotten picked. The atmosphere in the house was nothing but tense with lingering anger that never dissolved since the other day. The bitter taste of defeat still presence on stubborn tongues. Taehyung tsked— crossing his arms over his chest as he watched Namjoon scribble things in his notes. Scrunching his eyebrows in concentration to whatever he were writing.

Trying to ignore that part of him replaying fake scenarios of Namjoon and Yoongi alone. The thought of it made every part of his body burn with anger. Because he should be the one to be in the older's spot. He even sent small hints to the Omega—and still somehow managed to loose. He Blamed Jin. He were the one shuffling the cards.

"Are you still mad?" Hoseok asked mockingly, Throwing himself back onto the space next to the sulking Alpha— Leaning his weight on the side of him to annoy him further.

"Aren't you?"


Lies. Of course he were still mad, Just like the rest of them were. What Alpha would like to see the person that have interest in off with some other Alpha? But with all six of them being in "interest"— He knew moments like these would happen. So he decided to not show how he felt on the matter like Jin did. Unlike the three younger's— Jimin having showed how much he didn't like the idea of Namjoon going first by storming off right after it was decided. And Jungkook having locked himself in his room to sulk on his own.

He were sure the Omega were more confused then anyone else were— With Omega's they don't know how strong a bond a wolf ties to another wolf like a Alpha does. They only truly feel the bond at full strength during the actual mating—Something Hoseok wasn't sure how that were to happen. There were six of them, and one Omega. And he were sure none of them were not even close to willing to let any of the Other Alpha's do anything with him. Let alone mating.

How the hell is this going to work?


Okay this is just a short
Chapter— I AM SO SORRY


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ALSO, I AM SO SORRY FOR BEING INACTIVE. I have a MAJOR writers block and I'm like trying to force myself out of it by making myself write.

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