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"Cute & Cuddly"

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"Cute & Cuddly"

"What?" Yoongi asked in a hushed tone. Jimin took a moment to stare a little longer, taking in the dusty pink hue that began to seep through his cheeks. "You're staring again." He warned lightly.

Jimin, still trapped in the cage of his own mind, couldn't break free quick enough to speak back. His eyes couldn't help but to stop to admire how delicate the man's features are. No matter how many times he's spent- admiring and soaking in his facial features, he still fails to actually understand it. From the pink, supple lips; still swollen from the intense make out sessions before hand, to the long black eyelashes that brushed against his pale skin like feathers. Yoongi was utterly beautiful, like a work of art spent decades to finish by the Greek gods themselves.

"Jimin!" Yoongi yelped in shock, eyes wide as he struggled to raise his arms against the man's tight grip. The pink haired man hummed deeply, as if he was content with life as he buried his nose into the bare soft skin of Yoongi's neck. The grip he had Yoongi trapped in was quickly tightening with every second that went by them. "What's up with you?!" Yoongi grumbled in slight frustration as he tried to release himself again.

Yoongi would have been completely fine with embracing the man's almost addictive hugs, but embracing them not even two hours after they just got done having sex wasn't in his plans. He wasn't sure why he got like this- distant and unapproachable. It first happened after his....moment with Hoseok. He couldn't bare to think about it anymore without the pure embarrassment flashing through his face like hot water being splashed in his face. He just found it better to avoid it then to face it.

With luck not being on his side, he learned real quick that Jimin wasn't like everyone else. After his...moment with Taehyung or Jungkook, they gave him his space even if it bothered them. But Jimin was different, if anything he got clingier then he did before they ever did anything sexual. This of course was a curse and a blessing for him. Even when he just wanted to hide under his covers and sleep until he forgot about the embarrassment.

"Jimin, let go." He whined, huffing in defeat when the pink haired man shook his head slightly.  He thought Namjoon was clingy, but Jimin was on a completely different level. Namjoon knew his limits and knew when to stop himself whenever he felt he was getting too clingy, Jimin on the other hand didn't even know the word boundaries even existed. "We have to take a shower, I feel sticky."

Jimin hummed in disapproval, too stubborn to actually listen as he ran his slightly wet lips against the same spot on Yoongi's neck. Kissing at the supple skin there in a way that sent an avalanche of shivers down his spine. He hated yet loved Jimin's affection. There are times when he simply craved the younger man's attention but in some cases, he wished he didn't have all the man's attention. This was one of those times when he wishes he didn't have all his attention.

Something he seemed to learn a lot quicker then he should have, was that Jimin got excited from the slightest amount of physical contact. Which meant more rounds of....And that led up to more pain and soreness afterwards. Don't get him wrong, he loved doing....it with Jimin, but the man in bed is completely different than the man he knows outside. Jimin in bed isn't the same Jimin who has the smile of an angel which forms little upside down smiley faces when he does it. He isn't the same as the Jimin who likes to cuddle and pouts when Yoongi doesn't pay attention to him long enough.

He was growing worried once Jimin got a little more touchy then he was before, rubbing and gripping at any part of his skin as he could under his palms. He hummed a bit deeper this time- that one suave kiss to the neck growing in numbers, leading a trail until they met his lips. Before they Jimin could press the kiss to become something more as he always did, as Yoongi has learned, Yoongi stopped him just in time. The pink haired man frowned- pouting to himself as if he was a puppy that had just gotten kicked for nothing.

"I just want a kiss." He pouted, poking his bottom lip out like a child after getting his taken away from him. Yoongi rolled his eyes- scooting back a far as the younger man's grip around him would allow.

"You said that last time and we..." Yoongi looked else where in hopes to hide the slight heat sizzling against his face. The reaction, to Jimin, was to say the least- beautiful. Oddly enough, he loved how shy Yoongi got. It was one the main reasons he fell for the man the first time he laid eyes on him. Though, Yoongi has changed a lot these past few months, he still sees the shy side of him some times.

"We did what? I may have blanked out. Mind explaining to me what we did exactly?" Jimin asked teasingly, a sly grin cutting itself over his lips as he got closer then the older man needed at the moment. Naked as the day they were born, they were completely pressed together thanks to Jimin and his lack of knowing what personal space was.

"W-we need to take a shower," Yoongi was quick to change the subject, cutting the younger man's small little teasing game short as he attempted to push him off once more. "Jimin, I'm sticky and need to take a shower. Let go." He whined, trying his best to ply the man's arms from his waist but it was becoming a lost cause.

"One kiss and I'll let you go, I swear."

"No." He deadpanned, attempting to force the man's arms from around him once more.


Yoongi hated this. He hated when one of the boys would give him this saddened look that he sadly couldn't resist. Whenever Taehyung wanted more hugs or wanted to cuddle, He'd give him that same sad look that made him feel like he accidentally stepped on his dogs tail. Even Jungkook has used the sad face on him. He just couldn't win with any of them, and right now he was quickly losing with Jimin.

Yoongi huffed in defeat, leaning forward a bit just enough where their lips barely touched- their warm breath mingling in the middle. Jimin tried to be patient but Yoongi would never make the first move without working himself up, as he has picked up so he did it for him. Taking the man by complete surprise, He yanked yoongi in as their lips finally touched. (WHAT AM I WRITING? IHSHFJD)

The kiss wasn't as fast and ravishing as it started off as, it was more so of a slow kiss as if they were trying to enjoy the moment. Jimin tried his best not to get worked up over this one kiss alone- knowing that he should respect Yoongi's wishes. So that's what he did, cutting the kids off just when the need for oxygen had become desperate.

"Shall we take a bath now?" He grinned happily at a completely zoned out Yoongi, Still reeling in from what just happened.


I wonder how this book will end...

I want something major to happen but idk what. I'll think of something. But if I do, I will be foreshadowing the fuck out of it. owo

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