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"Missing you

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"Missing you."

"Jimin. If you don't move your ass out of the way. I fucking swear I will murder you." Jungkook growled, pressing the pause button on his controller to glare at the newly pink haired man standing in his way.

"I'm a bad bitch, you can't kill m-"

He screamed, throwing himself to the floor by reflex as a pillow came hurdling at his face. Once he deemed it safe, he stood back up with a grin over his face as if he wasn't just on the floor on the verge of tears. Jungkook scowled in annoyance- partially blaming the pillow for not hitting the man in the face when it had the chance.

"Jimin, I'm going to give you five seconds and if you don't move out of my way. You're dead." The younger man threatened, and even if he seemed serious, everyone in the room couldn't care enough to take him serious. Jimin was being a pain in the ass anyways, he gets what he deserves if Jungkook does go along with his threat.

Taehyung sighed, throwing himself back against onto the couch. He missed yoongi. Ever since their little moment, yoongi had been ignoring him for days, even weeks on end. He had originally planned on talking to yoongi about it earlier; to try and fix whatever was messed up. But then he went into heat and those painful days of not speaking to him went on even longer. It didn't help that he stayed up at nights with the realization that he's with other men as they helped him through his heat. Apart of him felt as if he should be the only doing that, that he should have been there to help him through that. But  no matter how much he wanted to, he couldn't trust himself.

"Jimin, I'm seriously about to fucking throw you in a trash can." Jungkook groaned in annoyance as he glared at the pink haired man flexing in front of the tv.

Jungkook tried to keep his composure, repeating the same five numbers in his head in hopes it would calm him down. In any other day, he wouldn't get as angry as he did now at Jimin's antics. But it had been a full week since Yoongi went into heat and he hasn't seen him at all in the past days that sadly enough felt like centuries to him. It didn't help that after what they did in his room that day, yoongi had refused to talk to him. This whole situation left him on a edge, and at this point, his patience was running thin.

Everyone wasn't themselves anymore at this point. With yoongi gone and in hiding for the past week or so, everything felt so dysfunctional without him. No one really talked about it- but yoongi had become a part of them whether they wanted to admit it or not. They had gotten so use to seeing the small man hoping around on his tippy toes through the house, look for anyone to give him their ultimate attention, it was weird not seeing that anymore.

To say the least, they're all missing him and have no idea what to do with their lives.

Jimin of course had a different way of showing his life was meaningless without the omega around, instead of just moping like a normal person would. He only got more annoying then he already was when yoongi was around. Yoongi was always there for Jimin to annoy, no matter how much he pushed buttons, yoongi didn't get angry or annoyed at him for his antics. But now that he isn't here, Jimin settled with unleashing it on Jungkook any way he could.

Which ultimately led to fights that could have easily been avoided if both of them acted like adults. But neither of them did.m

"Listen here you little shit," Jungkook growled, tightening his grip onto the fabric of Jimin's shirt between his fingers. Scowling just at the peer sight of the pink haired man before him, that same annoying smile over his face as he stared back up at him. "Cant you find anything else to fucking do instead of driving me insane?"

"Where would be the fun in that?" He shrugged with a smirk that made Jungkooks blood boil.

"I swear, I'm seriously am going to kill y-"

"What are you doing?" Yoongi questioned with a confused frown, his fingers slightly playing with the ends of his shirt. A habit he still haven't quite broken from yet. 

Jimin was the first to actually see him, all thanks to Jungkook lifting him up so high. So imagine how quickly his mind went from thinking of ways to annoy Jungkook even more to nothing but yoongi in such small matter of seconds.

"Yoongi!" The pink haired man shouted, unable to hold in his over excitement at the sight of the man as he elbowed Jungkook in his stomach. He didn't even bother to see if the younger was okay, instead running for the ravenette still frowning with confusion.

Without much thought of personal space, he pulled a nearly terrified yoongi into a hug, giving the poor man any time or room to process what was happening. Yoongi blinked back his shock, deciding it was best to just enjoy the moment and smile as Jimin tightened his grip.

"I missed you, These guys have been bullying me ever since you were gone." Jimin pouted, burrowing his face in the crook of Yoongi's neck as yoongi laughed softly at Jungkooks offended facial expression.

"They have?" The ravenette asked with a slight smile, finding the newly pink haired boy all the most adorable when he pouted. He resembles so much of a kid- Yoongi couldn't help but have a soft spot for the man. Now with pink hair, he looked even more soft and cuddly, like a teddy bear. Jimin nodded, pointing to Jungkook who was trying his hardest not to curse to his hearts content.

"As soon as you left, all they did was bully me."

Taehyung couldn't really hear what Jimin was telling yoongi, his accusations towards him went right over deaf ears as he stared at the only person in the room he'd been thinking about for the past two weeks. He had so much to ask, so much to say yet Yoongi didn't even look at him. His eyes were too fixated on the man child before him, crying about goddesses knows what. Apart of him wanted to be angry, demand some type of answers for why he's been ignoring him but again, he had to respect his space and wait for yoongi to come to him when he feels like it.

"Awe, poor baby." Yoongi poured along with the pink haired, cuffing his face with sad eyes. "How could anyone bully this face?"

Jungkook sighed in annoyance, and buried anger. This was his first time seeing yoongi in days, and he couldn't even say how much he missed the smaller man, let alone a hug from him with Jimin now hogging his attention.

Today was going to be a long day.


Today is the last day until spring break starts, I didn't even go to  today because it stresses me out. I just slept in to recover from the three weeks of just sleeping for 3 hours a night.

In the end, despite all the studying and time spent after school, I got four high B's, one A, and one C. I hate my grades with a passion. How the fuck am I gonna get into medical school with that shit? There is NO medical school or college that will accept my ugly ass grades. What-

McDonald's,  here I come.

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