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"What?!" Yoongi asked in disbelief. Eyes wide as he stared at the slightly taller boy with shock.

"I know right?! After that, He never messed with him again." Jimin shrugged coolly as he ended his story. [slightly exaggerated] but truthful none the less. Or as truthful as making it seem like he saved muscle head Jungkook from a bully may seem. It wasn't like he didn't save Jungkook from a altercation, it just wasn't as heroic as he'd so proudly spoken of to the omega. If anything, he was the one being saved. After managing to piss off the whole college football team—Jungkook had to come to save the shorter man from getting his cocky ass kicked by a group of muscle heads.

That didn't mean he was a push over. He isn't one to get into many fights— but if he moment is pushed upon him, he will if he has to. But if he has the choice, he'd rather take the peaceful route. Psychical altercations were more of a Jungkook and Hoseok type of thing. He'd rather not be like them.

"I can't believe you beat up the whole football team." Yoongi blinked— trying to sink in the almost unbelievable story the younger had thrown at him.

"Yep. All of them. I didn't want to, but when they kept messing with him. I had to." Jimin shrugged. His head growing with so much ego— He was sure it would explode.

"Wow. You must be really strong then." The rave haired man replied— eyes shinning with interest. Sadly, it only fed into the alpha's ego even more. Pride swelling at the thought of the omega thinking of him as strong.

"Do you want to know how strong I am?" Jimin smirked deviously.


Before Yoongi could finish his sentence, He felt his feet lift from the ground. His throat burning from letting out a very manly scream, as he clutched onto anything he could get his hands onto so he wouldn't fall. Sadly, (in Jimin's case) was his neck.

"I'm not about to drop you." Jimin laughed lightly—a genuine smile playing over his lips as Yoongi pressed his lips together, eyes clenched shut. He shook his head— not sure if he should believe him or not. Despite the fact that he hadn't hit the ground yet, he still was cautious. "Just open your eyes"

[nct reference—And I regret nothing]

"Yoongi. Open your eyes." He ordered softly, seeing how the the raven haired boy refused to do it last time. "I'm not about to drop you."


"I promise." Jimin answered almost eagerly. Thought seeing Yoongi in such state was almost too cute to pass up— he'd rather be able to see his eyes again. Everything about them felt like dark pools you couldn't help but drown in [ cheesy enough] but true. Yoongi took a second to let himself calm before deciding opening his eyes was a better option then letting his mind go wild.

"See? Perfectly fine." He smiled softly. Laughing to himself as Yoongi looked away. The last thing he needed was for him to think of him as weak. He might not be the most strongest wolf out there, or the most brave. But he had...some strength. Not much. But it was still there.

"Let me down." He grumbled.

It took everything in Jimin to put the shockingly light man down— wanting to bask in the moment a bit longer. Being surrounded by nothing but huge men with "being manly" problems. It wasn't everyday he found someone lighter then Jungkook's right arm. But Yoongi seemed like the right fit in his arms— light and small just enough to fit right between his arms. How could he not want to spend a few more minutes in that moment?

Instead of wanting to be stubborn and argue on his part on why they should stay in such position, He let the raven haired man down gently. Pretending not to see him stumble as he tried to gain his balance back— deciding it was best not to make him more embarrassed then he already seemed to be. If it weren't for how red his face was, Jimin would have been completely oblivious.

"Why are you walking so fast?" Jimin shouted— voice choppy from the sudden jog he had to do. He knew he was being dramatic, That part he knew without anyone telling him. But his body was burning with embarrassment— he needed some way to get out of the situation. After embarrassing himself completely, the last thing he wanted was for Jimin to see him in such a way.


He was so tired of hearing that. So tired of seeing the disappointment in everyone's eyes when he couldn't do what every male wolf could. He couldn't hunt like the everyday wolf, or lift weights bigger then his head like everyone else. He was tired of being seen as weak. Having cursed the day he was presented as an omega [of all things] every single day of his life.

"Yoongi." Jimin bellowed— patience running on thin ice as he struggled to keep up with a surprisingly fast omega. Yoongi bit his lip, stubbornness preventing him from giving into Jimin's calls. Jimin groaned— reaching out just in time to grab ahold of the raven haired man's wrist. Stopping him just before he could dart off further.

"Yoongi." He tried again, more softly then he had before. Hoping that would somehow convince Yoongi to turn around— But got nothing but silence in return. "Yoongi. Look at me."


Yoongi felt like utter crap— guilt biting at his insides like piranha's to flesh. He was yet again, ruining things that were good the way they were. This was what he was afraid of— messing up.

"Can you look at me, please?"

Yoongi presses harder on his bottom lip with stress. He didn't want to seem like this, that was the last thing he wanted was to be complicated. Yet here he was— trying to hide from something that wasn't the alpha's fault. He sighed. Swallowing his pride [or what's left of it], He turned around. The taste of metallic dancing over his tongue as he stared at his shoes as they were the most interesting things ever.

When he felt hands softly grip at his head— he had no choice but to look at him. He felt like he could die with embarrassment. The want to hide his face was prominent, like a itch on the skin. He'd spent too much time with different alpha's in school— each one almost all the same. Laughing at every single mistake or 'unmanly' thing he did. He didn't expect anything different now as he was forced to stare into nothing but dark pools. Yet, instead of laughing at him like Yoongi had half expected. He smiled gently.

"I won't push you into telling me what's wrong. You might not be comfortable with me completely yet, and I get that. I'll wait." He smiled brightly. It was the only thing he could do, Yoongi had only known him for only over a measly week and a half. He hadn't really gotten to know him much until today. He still would need time before being comfortable around him—and despite how much he wanted to push what could be a relationship further. He was willing to wait until he was ready.

"Just don't run away. When you're comfortable just tell me, okay?" He asked softly. Yoongi blinked rapidly—opening his mouth to speak but came up voiceless. So he settled with a nod of his head, bottom lip red from ruthless teeth.



I missed a whole day worth of updating. Wow.

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