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Hoseok huffed in frustration for the tenth time today.

It had been a day since Yoongi went on that god forsaken date with Namjoon— And they've been awfully close. In the now week they've been together, Yoongi hadn't spoke so much to anyone. And now that he'd spent time with Namjoon— He acted as if they were best-friends since birth. Laughing and giggling to whatever he said, whether it was a cheesy joke to him messing up what he was trying to say. The omega were awfully close to him now. Too close for his liking.

The mention of another date haven't been brought up yet— But the idea was still there in everyone's head for sure. By the way everyone else has tried to get closer to the omega, Despite Namjoon being too close for comfort. He was positive they wanted to ask— but didn't quite get the chance. Having all the omega's attention being focused on only Namjoon. Jimin felt envious. Annoyed even.

Not at anyone but himself— because fuck. Why couldn't he have picked someone he didn't have to share? The question was keeping him up at night for what reason he couldn't explain. Because he knew the answer like it was written on a piece of paper before his eyes. Yoongi was the only omega out of the crowd that stood out to him the most— In a crowd of what was suppose to be a hard choice. His decision was made quicker then any other decision was made in his life. He hated the fact that he had to share that same person with someone else.

"Dammit" Taehyung groaned. Glaring at the word 'defeated'  in bold red letters glowing over the screen. He wanted to blame Jungkook— Who was suppose to be his partner for not being on his A game. But he could only blame himself for making the team lose. Yoongi and Namjoon sitting on the south next to them,laughing made him sick to the pit of his stomach. He should be in that position, Yet Namjoon had taken full glory of that. Practically bathing in the attention Yoongi was giving him— and worst of all, Right in front of the rest.

Jungkook sighed— Throwing the controller off to the side again. Not caring who it was that it hit this time. Nether of them knew why they even bothered to play the game in the first place. Everything was going so smoothly until Yoongi came down stares dressed like a angel. That was the first sign that they should have stopped playing— The second sign was the worst of them all. Instead of sitting anywhere else, He sat right next to Namjoon with a warm smile over his face as if he was greeting a old friend. Jungkook was too far gone at that point— the game having become too irrelevant to him. Resulting in them staring at a screen of defeat every single game they attempted to play..

Yoongi let out another sweetening laugh, Throwing his head back just to expose unmarked skin. And innocently enough— He failed to realize the action was driving everyone trapped in the room with him crazy. He snickered a bit— Looking up again at Namjoon as he continued to ramble on about the story he was talking about. The scene was making Jungkook's chest burn. He didn't see any of this as fair. He should be the one making him laugh. He should have been the one to take him on the first date. Yet he couldn't have neither.

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