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—"I need you"—[m-ish??]

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"I need you"—

"I know, baby. I'll help you."

Yoongi wasn't sure if he should feel relieved by that statement or weary. It wasn't as if he was necessarily scared of Jin or didn't trust him— if anything, Jin was the first person he did trust in the house. He was more so weary on how he was going to be helped.

Namjoon "helped" him but the attempt was the uttermost futile to say the least. As soon as he came— he was hard and in pain again like spring that bounces back. When he tried to tell Namjoon, the younger was already up and running out the door with his tail between his legs. It wasn't as if he was scared of having sex— especially with Jin. He'd just never actually had it before. He didn't know one thing about it, and if his lack of porn watching that almost every adventurous teen has done wasn't enough to speak for itself. Then he didn't know what will.

"You do know what I will have to do to make it at-least bearable right?" Jin asked wearily, still taking slow and cautious like steps towards the bed.

Despite not knowing a single pinch about sexual intercourse—He wasn't dense. Heats were hell without a alpha around to help. Key word: alpha. Which means one of two things, either they are doing the naughty the whole time— or they are sitting criss cross and praying to the goddess that it will go away. And seeing how bad his body reacted to Jin just standing there— the second one seemed like a joke. If only he could laugh.

"Are you okay with that?" The older asked softly, sitting down just at the edge of the bed. Running a hand over a slightly wet forhead to rid it of the damp hair stuck against it— greedily taking in art named "Yoongi".

"Y-Yes." He answered back— sounding eager then what he should have. Yet Yoongi couldn't bother to care as he leans into Jin's open palm. Cool against his hot skin that send a shiver down his spine for what reason he couldn't explain.

"Are you sure? I could run you a cold b—"

"I'm not a child. I can handle it." Yoongi spoke in determination, something in his eyes shimmer as he stared into Jin's. Going against what he'd been taught all his life.

"Never stare a alpha in the eyes"

Jin would a dirty liar if he said he wasn't turn on just by how Yoongi looked at him— hell the way he looked was enough to get him to burst in his pants. Pasty skin tinted with a deep red, skin wet with black curls laying around him like he was a angel created to perfection. Already half naked with nothing but briefs— clinging onto his hips for dear life.

He hummed, nodding more so for himself as if to tell himself this was actually happening. Letting his eyes roam over the milky plush skin of his thighs— spaces apart as if it were in invitation. He could feel himself grow excited just by that alone. Yet his hands twitched, wanting to feel the said skin under his palms.

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