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"Yoongi?" Namjoon asked cautiously, his hand practically shaking from how nervous he was.

After being thrown under the bus by his fellow alpha's, and sent off to a potential dangerous omega in heat alone. He had every right to be mad. Some omegas have a tendency to get violent during their heats, and often find themselves attacking other wolves. Then there was the submissive one's ready to be bred. And since he'd only been around yoongi at the beginning of his heat when things weren't as bad, Yoongi could be either one of those.

And that's what terrified him.

Who knew what's to happen once he opened the door. Yoongi could pull him and and rip his face off for all he knew. And he most certainly didn't want to find out. So he pressed his knuckles on the wooden door once more, knocking gently in case loud sounds happened to piss him off.

"Yoongi. Can I come in?" He asked softly as he could, hoping his voice didn't come out as harsh or too loud. His palms sweaty for what reason he couldn't even explain at the moment.

He waited by the door a little longer, nibbling on his bottom lip has he played with the water bottles in his hands. Still extremely cold. After a while, he started to think the omega was still asleep and worn out. But when he went to back away, he heard a small whimper. So soft if he didn't have good hearing, he wouldn't have even heard it.

"Yoongi?" He asked again, this time walking in with worry hammering against his chest. But when the door opened, it was empty. Nothing but the sweet smell of an omega's heat filled the room. But was just enough to choke him as it filled his lungs and fogged his mind.

Confused, he stepped in further. Studying the almost damaged mess of a bed as if it would stand up and walk out the door.

"Yoongi? Where-" Before he could finish his sentence, hands pushed at the small of his back- so strong he fell against the almost broken bed. Off guard and confused, he quickly flipped over onto his back. Frowning as he readied to defend himself. But what he saw seemed to be more dangerous them some blood thirsty wolf coming for his neck could ever be.

There, standing in all his naked glory, yoongi. Raven black hair slightly damp as it hung wildly over his forehead a bit, that pale smooth skin of his now glistening with the amount of sweat that seeped through his skin.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. But Jin told me to bring you some water." He spoke almost in a daze as he pointing aimlessly at the water bottles discarded to the floor from his unexpected fall.

Not paying mind to what the younger man was pointing to, Yoongi crawled his way onto the stunned man's lap. Placing his legs on either side of him in a trapped straddle, Yoongi stared at him through dazed eyes. His mind too fogged and blurry to realize what he was doing quick enough to stop himself as his skinny hands slide down to the rim of the younger's pants. Delicate fingers playing with the bottom just at the top.

"Wait, woah. Yoongi, wait." Namjoon finally spoke out, finally pulling himself out of that same fog yoongi seemed to be trapped in. His heart beating against his chest as he realized what was happening at the moment. "What are you doing?"

Yoongi gave him a heated stare, something in those once soft brown eyes now harboring something vicious and animalistic. In a way, it scared namjoon. He was so use to seeing that cute and adorable part of yoongi, the part he'd so quickly grown to love. It was hard to wrap his mind around Yoongi being nothing but that cute, innocent little man. Yet here he was, sitting in his lap in his birthday suit.

Though, he would be lying if he said he didn't like the predicament they were in right now. Something about the mist of lust and desire burning against his skin under the older man's stare made him excited in a way. Not like he was willing to admit that at the moment.

"Just calm down." Namjoon tried to reason with the rouge omega above him, yet his words seemed to go through one ear and out the other. Yoongi's fingers going to unbutton his pants once more with a hard tug, ignoring every single word that comes out of the man's mouth.

Unsure if what to do, Namjoon picked the wild Omega up by his thighs, tossing him over until his back laid flat against the bed. Reaching up to trap both his frantic hands above his head. Yoongi whimpered, biting his lip in arousal by how dangerous the man above him looked. Eyes fuming as he stared at him with a certain dominance that made Yoongi's insides heat up. He wondered what Namjoon would do when pissed off, Apart of him wanted to see how far he could push him before he snapped completely.

With that thought in mind, Yoongi wrapped his freed legs around his waist. Pressing himself closer as rubbed against him, desperate for the pleasure he'd been so deprived of since Jin left. Namjoon bit his lip to hold back how he felt as his hand grew tighter around the older man's wrist. Finding it harder to restrain himself when all Yoongi did was test him.

"Gotdammit Yoongi, stop." The brunette man growled in frustration, forcing the older man hips down against the bed to stop his risky movements.

Yoongi would by lying straight through his teeth if he said he didn't find a pissed off Namjoon appealing at the moment. From his hard breathing to those peircing eyes that seems to burn holes into his skin. He felt himself grow excited just by the looks of the man alone.


I suck at smut, bare with me. I'm trying to stall here.

Anyways, I was wondering if I should make either a Minjoon, Namkoom, or either a Hopekook FF.

But I'm lazy so I know that's going to be a hell of a while before I even get to it.

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