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"Yoongi. Stop." He demanded wearily, the little control he did had— slowly wearing away as he struggled to push away roaming hands. He inhaled sharply in hopes that it would help clear his head, not taking in account of the intoxicating scent dancing in the air around them. His mind seeming to fog like a mirror after a heated shower with just one intake.

He could feel the little restraints he did have peel away. The smell of slick present in the air, he couldn't help but get excited with curiosity. His pants tightening painfully over his hips area as Yoongi reaches for him again. Pulling at his shirt to yank him closer— once again inflicting nothing but mental pain on Namjoon. Forcing him to peel himself away from roaming hands again, he took a look at the door.

He could only imagine the insanity Jungkook was going through at the moment. Having to lock the said man in his room after fighting with him— he had to hurry and get this situation under control. Knowing the door in which the younger was beating to death as he currently sat, he knew he didn't have much time to think of how to handle this situation properly.

He wanted to curse Jin for not being here. Hell, even Hoseok seemed like a option to help in this situation. If they were here—He'd atleast be able to do something useful to help. It wasn't like he didn't know much about heats. In fact, he took the time to learn about them beyond what they taught him during school. Now it seems like all those hours of studying for something that didn't involve him nor will ever happen to him. (Due to the fact that he has ruts not heats) Seemed to be for nothing in the tumbling end. His mind completely blank.

"I-it's hot." Yoongi mumbled weakly, shifting on his spot on the bed as he attempted to get some sort of comfort. Yet every attempt was futile as the last. His body felt like he was sitting in a volcano just for fun— a ball of fire sitting in the pit of his stomach, ready to rupture at any moment.

"I know. I know. But you just have to calm down until I figure things out." Namjoon soothed as calmly as his wolf would let him. He took quick and short inhales, afraid if he took longer ones the scent would get to him. The little sense of control he did have on himself feeling like fabric holding on to a thin string. The last thing he wanted was to snap that little hope he did have at staying together.

"P-Please. It hurts." He whimpered desperately, wanting some type of relief from the heat becoming more and more intense against his body. Sweat sizzling over hot skin as he inhaled deeply. Namjoon's scent was becoming dangerous for him. Fueling the ever lasting heat burning in his stomach. Like fire to gas.

"Just hold out a little l—"

"No. I-it hurts. Just.." Yoongi trailed off to catch his breath, his body aching as he pulled himself in a ball. Another painful heat wave spreading through his body like water to a river.

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