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"Are they ready?" Hoseok asked Jimin who was frantically trying to tie his shoes and throw pedals on the grass at the same time. He groaned as he accidentally got a pedal stuck in his shoe lace but decided to leave it. "Jimin—"

"Uh yeah. They are ready. I just need to put these stupid pedals down." He groaned again in annoyance as he threw them on the path frantically and as neatly as he could. He was nervous— Hoseok could practically smell it in his pheromones as he struggled to grab the soft things between his fingers that shook a bit.

Hoseok looked down the path of pedals Jimin had left behind, leading into  the forest with roses and other types of flowers as a barrier so they didn't stray away. He too was nervous, how could he not? This whole moment determined whether Yoongi would accept them or not.

"What are we suppose to do now?"  Jimin asked with a sigh as he tossed he now empty basket out of view.

"We wait."



Yoongi opened his eyes, squinting them a bit when his eyes began to sting due to the light sweeping through his windows. He was planning on sleeping the whole day like usual, and leave his room at night when he was sure everyone was fast asleep so he didn't have to see them.

"Yoongi, it's Jungkook." The you get licked his suddenly dry lips nervously, softly knocking on the door to gain the attention of the man behind it

Jungkook. Yoongi hadn't heard his voice in so long, it felt almost foreign. His heart raced and his mind felt like it was spinning as his toes touched the cold wooden floors of his room. He didn't want to say anything, or even make a noise just Incase he changed his mind and wanted to play dead so the younger would go away.

"I know you are mad at us right now, but I have to talk to you really quick. It will only be for a moment, I swear." He spoke just as soft as his knocks.

Mad? He was far from mad at them. Where did they get that assumption?

Yoongi gulped, his feet curling a bit as he slightly waddled to the door. As his warm hand wrapped around the cold doorknob- he twisted it as something in his chest fluttered with nervousness. He hadn't seen Jungkook or anyone in so long, a part of him wanted to go back to his old ways and just pull him in for a hug but he refrained himself.

He didn't deserve the pleasure of a hug from them.

Jungkook's hands twitched, his arms tense as he mentally yelled at himself to not just wrap him in his into his arms. Afraid that if he did go against himself, he would surely not let him go. Especially not back into his room. The smaller man looked tired, Nose slightly pink and eyes flushed like he'd been crying for ages.

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