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"Gloomy Days

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"Gloomy Days."

Something was wrong.

Everyone could feel that something was off with Yoongi. Ever since he returned from Jin's date, he's been off. Always forcing a smile and avoiding questions that he knew he couldn't answer with a simple yes or no. (Yes or yes? Lmao, Stan twice, nerds.) It has gotten to a point where everyone began to avoid asking him questions, guilt eating at them

Hoseok found it crazy how one man. One small and nearly almost quiet man could make a bunch of powerful alpha's weak and on the verge of tears just by ignoring them. They tried to give him space the first few days- avoiding asking him too many questions or getting in his space, hoping that things would just simply go back to normal. But it didn't- it only got worst. Yoongi started to avoid their touches, avoid spending time with them, stayed in his room almost all day, barely ate as much as he once did, Hell he doesn't even smile anymore unless it's forced.

To say the least, the boys were in a panic. They never said anything about it but the mood of panic and fear was suffocating within the air- filling their lungs and taking what last oxygen they had left. They had so many questions, so many things to say yet they couldn't really bring themselves to say anything. Yoongi had yet to come out of his room today, for the second time, and it was doing nothing but fueling their sense of panic.

Was he unhappy?

Where did we go wrong?

Does he hate us?

Namjoon groaned in frustration, on the verge of ripping his hair out as he threw himself further into the couch below him- trying to think of anything else other then yoongi for the first time in the past week. He couldn't wrap his head around why yoongi was acting like this- so cold and distant, always backing away from any type of physical contact with them like they were the most disgusting people on earth.

He still could feel that shitty feeling when yoongi first did it. He had woken up as happy as he's ever been that day, and when he saw yoongi- his mood got even brighter. So as he usually does when he sees yoongi, he went in to give the smaller man a hug and a small kiss on the forehead but he pushed him away. It wasn't in a mean way, more so on the gentle side, like a small nudge he could barely feel- but the rejection was a blow to his chest.

He wasn't one to get hurt or mad by someone rejecting his advances, he was always the "always consent first" type- but for once in his holy life, he felt actual pain for being rejected. He didn't know what to do after that, he kinda just sat in his room and tried to process what the hell had just happened. Not once has Yoongi said no to his hugs or kisses, not even a slight resistance. He thought the man actually enjoyed the attention- but now he wasn't sure what the hell the man liked anymore.

"This is going to drive me fucking nuts, Can't we just ask him what's wrong?"  Jungkook groaned, his patience is running thin. It's been over a week and Yoongi has yet to be in the same room as any of them for more then five minutes. That wasn't the yoongi they knew, the yoongi they knew would be the first one in someone's lap- soaking up as much attention as he could. This yoongi looked disgusted by their touches alone. It hurt. They didn't say it out loud, but it did.

"We can't just bother him into saying it, we have to give him time." Taehyung said with a tired sigh, he barely had gotten any sleep in the last week since Yoongi stopped talking to them. He never knew how much he depended on Yoongi in his life, and now his lack of sleep was really showing he was dependent on him a lot. Yoongi and him made a pact after Yoongi found out Taehyung always needs something to hold in order to fall asleep. Because of that pact, Yoongi would sometimes sneak away at night to lay with Taehyung until he fell asleep. He'd gotten so use to it, he was started to question how he managed to get by, by hugging a lifeless pillow all his life.

"What made you all high and mighty?" Jimin scoffed.

"Sleep deprivation." The man deadpanned, to which Jimin responded with a slight chuckle. For a minute, the room was filled with a soft silence. It was comforting yet the raging conflict brewing in their minds was chaotic as they thought on.

"Do you think he wants to leave?" Hoseok asked. The mood around them, whatever it was, seemed to crack- drifting to a cold, dark place they would rather never be in. Jungkook frowned, furrowing his eyebrows at the thought. He tried his best not to think about that in the past week Yoongi's been acting weird, making excuses for it like he might be sick or something. But none of it made sense, none of it really explained his actions at all. None of them answered why he was acting like this.

"I don't know Hoseok, why don't you go and ask him." Namjoon snapped, his voice harsh and rigged with annoyance. He didn't want to start an argument, nor did he want to fight with anyone he had no idea how to handle his frustrations.

"Let's make one thing clear, I know it sucks to think of it and I know none of us want that to happen but if push comes to shove and comes and says he doesn't want to be here, then it's our job to respect that and let him leave. We can't keep him somewhere where he isn't happy." Jin spoke firmly. It was the same thing he had told Namjoon. The room had went quiet again, no one really spoke as they all zoned out into their own thoughts once more.

"Let him leave?"


I don't usually promote books often, or anything that I do because why?? But I'm really excited about this book I'm writing.
It's not everyday I get EXCITED or even proud of the things I write or think about but I really love this one. OwO

It won't be my main focus until I finish this book, but I will focus on it as well since I have so much I want to do with it.

It won't be my main focus until I finish this book, but I will focus on it as well since I have so much I want to do with it

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A/N: I put this part in so long ago I don't even remember putting it (^) in. Oops.

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