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—"I'm okay"—

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"I'm okay"—

"Are you sure?" Namjoon asked for the tenth time. The fact that Yoongi agreed to going on a date with Hoseok still failed to register in his mind yet.

"Yes." Yoongi nodded his head once more. Really wishing Jin was here to save him from a denial trapped alpha— but the older was no where to be found in the vacant hallway.

"Why would you want to go with him?" Namjoon felt like throwing something. He didn't understand any of this— and that was saying a lot with the IQ he held under his belt. Ever since he saw Yoongi waltz out of Hoseok's room early in the morning, he couldn't get the anxiety out of his chest no matter how hard he tried. The thought of leaving Hoseok and Yoongi alone somewhere, where he wasn't there made his chest ache.

"Because, he's nice." Yoongi shrugged lightly. It wasn't as if it was a lie. Ever since Hoseok stayed up with him until he fell asleep and tried everything to distract him from the thunder, He grew grateful of the alpha.

"Blink twice if he is making you say this." Namjoon ushered— staring intently into doughy eyes as if he could read Yoongi's soul. Silence. Yoongi bit his lip, his eyes stinging slightly from not blinking as he returned the wild stare. Namjoon felt like throwing something in frustration— the omega being more stubborn then he'd thought he'd ever be.

"You're not about to blink are you?" Namjoon sighed in conclusion. Yoongi shook his head with a silent 'nope'— staring up at him with such innocent like eyes. It was hard for him to truly be mad. Despite the itch in his hands wanting to throw Hoseok out a window. Yet he refrained himself from acting on violent thoughts— backing away to give the omega the space he hadn't noticed he had taken.


[Inserts Shinee reference]

^ it's super junior, NOT shinee. Do I deserve rights? No.

"What?" Namjoon blinked in confusion. The word sorry was the last thing he'd expect to hear from his lips. But what was he suppose to say when the smaller man looked like he'd gotten kicked.

"You're angry aren't you?" Yoongi mewled softly— his chest tightening with guilt. Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows in conflict, not sure where the omega got that from. Yes he was upset because he couldn't stop Hoseok and him from going out, But he was sure he hadn't shown it. Yet, he showed how much it bothered him like a clear day. The clenched hands he held when Yoongi said he wanted to go was evidence enough.

"What? No." Namjoon scoffed with a shake of his head as he looked to the carpet below him. Yoongi's stare was becoming suffocating all on his own.

"But earlier you were cursing and was saying I shouldn't go." He worried against clenched teeth, his bottom lip pinched between stubborn teeth.

Namjoon let out a stressed sigh—the familiar tightness in his chest of guilt he seemed to be feeling a lot around the smaller man. Yoongi had a habit to make everyone feel like such horribly people, even without trying. He'd always apologize for things he hadn't done—The same hurt like look over his face to go in for a kill. Guilt was becoming close friends with Namjoon at this point.

"You're right. I was angry," he began softly, hands pacing slowly around a smaller waist for support as he pulled him closer. Yoongi bit his lip harder— not sure of how to handle the situation with the guilt eating at him. He wasn't sure why Namjoon being angry effected him, but yet it had. "I'm not angry anymore. So stop apologizing." He mumbled into a bed of black curls.

Yoongi wanted to protest in some way. But he wasn't sure how he could when he himself didn't know how he felt. He just wanted the guilty feeling burning in his chest to go away. Of course Namjoon was still on edge with letting Yoongi go, but he knew he had his time. Yoongi was his own person, and if he wanted to go on a date with Hoseok he can. He had no control or say in what the smaller man wanted to do. So he decided just having him in his arms was good enough. For now.

"So you're not mad at me?" Yoongi blinked, leaning his chin against his chest to look at Namjoon in the eyes hopefully. Namjoon wished he hadn't—a part of him wanting to push away so that the smaller man didn't feel his fast his heart was beginning to race. Face heating just by being under doughy like eyes.

"No. I could never." He smiled softly. Giving a light squeeze around his waist for encouragement. He knew he had to get rid of this childish side of him not wanting to share Yoongi. He knew what he was gettin into when he agreed to sharing him in the first place. Now it was time to act on that and let Yoongi decided who he wanted to spend his time with. Even if that time wasn't with him.

"Go get ready. I bet Hoseok is waiting." He pushed slightly, biting his tongue to get the bitter taste stinging at it. The last thing he wanted was to willingly let Yoongi go off alone with Hoseok— but it is what Yoongi agreed to. He had no say.

"A-are you sure?" Yoongi queried. The doubt of Namjoon not being fully over it still lingering in his mind.

"Yeah. I'm sure. Go have fun."He squeezed again for good measures, that soft coconut and vanilla shampoo invading his senses. He was sure he'd never get over how addicting his scent was. Yoongi bit his lip in doubt be decided not to push it any further as he pulled him softly by his neck. Before Namjoon could really bath in the hug— it left just as fast as it had came.

"I'll see you later, okay?" He beamed brightly. Bouncing on his toes as he moved away slowly. Waving at  him as he left.

"Bye. I guess."


I have so many books I want to publish ..

Enjoy the soft moments as long as you can. That's all I have to say. Bye.

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