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—"Hide & Seek"—

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—"Hide & Seek"—

"I-I have to go." Yoongi mumbled rushingly, standing up on unbalanced legs as he struggled to make his way past taehyung. Stumbling and tripping over his own feet.

It was evident that Yoongi was trying to avoid him now. Taehyung thought he was imagining things when Yoongi had first ran out of the dining room when he arrived. The smaller man hadn't even finished his food— yet alone touched it, and the thought of him choosing not to eat just to avoid him stung. Yes, he will admit— he did take things further then what it should have gone.

Does it regret it?

Not one bit.

Bu he knew he had taken things too far. That part was evident. He knew he should have not let himself get to carried away— but how could he not? He'd been pent up for what felt like years (which was only four weeks). The slightest bit of contact was enough to get him going. He blamed it on the hormones. Or as much as a grown man could blame on hormones.

"So sudden?" Jimin asked with doughy like eyes. Yoongi stumbled at the sudden stop he forced on himself, turning around slowly as if he were a kid in the presence if a angry mom after doing something bad.

"Y-yeah. It's getting late. I'm going to go to bed."

"It's only eight though. You don't want to watch a movie with us?" Jimin pouted slightly, bottom lip jutting out just a inch in a soft sulk. As much as Yoongi didn't want to admit it— he's grown a undeniable soft spot for the alpha in a way. In the almost month they've been together, He's never met an alpha as cute as the curly headed brunette sitting on the couch before him. Jimin had this soft, childlike aura about him that Yoongi couldn't really find in himself to hate.

"W-well. I don't know. I'm just tired." He lied through his teeth. He was anything but tired— but the room felt suffocating. Between Taehyung's and Hoseok's burning stare as they watched his every single move, and his growing anxiety— he just wanted to leave. He's been trying to avoid the two all day, and now he feels as if all that is catching up to him now. Rosé's words suddenly becoming an echo in his mind.

"Once you sucked the dick, you have to embrace the dick. Ugh. Again. My mind. I need to  become a philosophy or whatever those wise guys are that everyone listens to."

"Oh...okay. Well,sleep well." The disappointment on Jimin's face was like a stab to Yoongi's heart. He watched with hurt eyes as Jimin leaned deeper into the couch, the sadness painfully evident over the alpha's face. Shit.


His mood had taken a whole three sixty. Just minutes ago he were laughing at a odd joke Namjoon had said— and now, as he peddled up the stairs. He felt like he'd kicked a puppy and wasn't able to form the words to apologize to it. Despite the bumpy and somewhat terrifying start they had— Jimin had grown on him like weeds.

Even when he weren't one to be a fan of touching, much to his unwillingness to admit— he loved the alpha's hugs. Jimin was just all around a ball of cuteness that Yoongi had never seen in an Alpha before. Which made him easy to talk to and better yet be around. Seeing that his cowardliness towards facing something , effecting Jimin felt like a chainsaw to the gut.

He wanted to go back and say he was willing to watch as many movies as Jimin wanted— even if he didn't like it. But again, he was still to afraid. He wasn't sure what he was really afraid of— but being in the same room with Taehyung and Hoseok made his body burn in ways he didn't want it to. So he was left with no choice but to run away.

When he got to his room— he had lost any type of passion to be there anymore. In the few minutes it took him to slowly drag himself here, He'd had more emotions hit him at once then he'd had since Rosé "accidentally" burned is Justin Bieber poster. He knew it wasn't an accident because just days before when he'd first gotten it— she said that poster should "burn in the pits of hell".

The moral of the story is, he didn't want to be alone anymore.

Contradicting to what he's previously said— he now didn't want to be alone. Which was foreign for him since he always loved being alone. Now the thought of being alone felt odd. It was mind boggling to him how with just one depressing like thought changed his point of view of something he use to love to do.

It wasn't as if he could go to Rosé about how he felt—He came to her too many times already about his life problems already. He didn't want to bother her anymore about it.

So he did the only thing he'd surprisingly hadn't done since he came to the house. Shifting on his toes as his fingers brushed the wooden door once as if it were a mystery itself. Pulling his bottom lip between his teeth— he knocked with barely balled fist. Hesitant and soft but still present.

Seconds went by— which felt like minutes.

Minutes went by— which felt like hours.

"Yoongi?" The man's soft voice filled his ears like a quiet tune. Yoongi blinked himself back to reality— not realizing how he managed to zone out so fast.

"Do you need something?" Jin asked, trying to calm a heart beat that increased for no reason at all.

"Can I come in?"


Okay, so. I'm failing Geometry. So that's good.

[pulls out stripper applications]

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