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"Lisa! I swear if you ruin another one of my bra's with that shit, I'm cutting your bangs off." Rosé threatened with a shout— forgetting to take into account of the person on the other phone.

"She's still around? That's surprising. I was sure that she'd be gone by the first day. But five days? I'd go far by saying you like her." Yoongi teased softly. Not as if he was lying. Rosé was not one to keep a girl for longer then it took her to wake up from a night of drinking. But Lisa was different. He could feel that for sure.

When Rose had first met the doll like women— She spent their whole phone call talking about how Lisa wasn't a easy hook up. He remembered laughing as she went on about how she did the robot while dressed in a tutu with a Afro wig, because Lisa said that's what I would take to get into her pants. The funny part is, Lisa has left the party just after Rosé had done her choreography.

They met again just the day after at Soyeon's "small" house party. They had ultimately hit it off and had the "one night stand" Rosé had so sadly been cheated out of. After that Rosé claimed she and Lisa were just friends. Yoongi was skeptical.

"You know what is surprising? The fact that you're still a virgin in a porn house." Rosé deadpanned. The sound of struggling filling Yoongi's ears. "Lisa. Put my fucking bra down. I swear to the goddess if you break it, you will have to bury those stupid bangs of yours."

"Leave my fucking bangs out of this. Jisoo started a war, and I'm finishing it." Lisa's shouting was just as loud as Rosé. Yoongi felt like his ears was on a constant attack with these two.

"So trying to sling shot fruits at her window is finishing it?" Rosé asked with a sigh.

"She started it." Lisa mumbled.

"Yeah. At my window. If anything, I should be mad. Do you know how hard it is to scrap banana guts off a hot window?" Rose questioned knowingly.

"Fine. But don't be surprised when— oh shit. She's coming over here. Turn the lights b woff and lock the doors so she doesn't know we are home." Lisa rushed panically.

"I'll call you later after Jisoo beats Lisa's ass. Love you." She cooed, her thumb hovered over the end button as she waited for Yoongi to answer.

"Love you too."

Rose hadn't called back.

Though it had only been four hours after the last time they talked— Yoongi had nothing else to do to make the time go by faster. Once again, most of the boys had left to go somewhere. Each one having something other then sitting in the house to do. He tried his best not to show that he was sad they were leaving— they did have a life other then one in the house with him. But as soon as they left, the house went terrifyingly quiet. He hated it.

He sighed, throwing himself back on his bed lazily. Stating up at his roof as if it was something new to him. His ears ringing with silence— he let his feet swing at the edge of his bed. Which was bigger then what he was use to. The bed back home was smaller and more cozy— while the bed he has now was more big. Bigger then what was needed for one person. In fact, the whole room itself was huge. It still shocked him at how big the rooms were for such a house.

He theorized that it must have taken months to build. But what does he know? He had no idea how building a house worked.

Pulling his lip between his teeth in thought— his mind couldn't help but go back to yesterday. His lips feeling a tingle sensation just by thought, he tried his best not to think about it. (Despite the many times he already had.) But again, how could he not? It was his first kiss— well technically his second if he didn't count that time he and Rose  thought they liked each other. It was a odd moment he wished to not think about anymore.

The rest of the day, he couldn't even concentrate on anything else other then that moment alone. It had taken a shower and a series of American Horror Story to stop him from thinking about it. Even now, he still failed to not think about it. He groaned— wishing the moment would just get out his head now.

"Hmm?" He hummed softly to himself, leaning up— ears twitching as stared at his closed door. Hoping that he wasn't going crazy and the soft knock on his door was real.

"Yoongi? Are you in there?" Namjoon asked, deep voice bouncing against the wooden door like a echo. Yoongi didn't bother with words— excitement rising within him like a volcano as he leaped up off his bed. A little faster then he should have, but adrenaline masked the sudden dizziness. Namjoon frowned in confusion— staring at the door as he tried to figure out what the loud thumping was on the other side.

Namjoon wished he was prepared for when Yoongi did open the door. His senses, which was suppose to be greater then a human seemed to be useless as Yoongi threw himself against him. Wrapping his arms against his neck— he pulled him down in a painful angle, bouncing slightly on unbalanced tippy toes. Yet he couldn't find himself to complain, the soft vanilla scent danced against his senses well.

"Well, hello to you too." Namjoon teased lightly with a laugh— snaking his arms around awaiting waist tightly. Pulling him closer so they their bodies flushed. Heat spreading through their bodies just from contact, Namjoon buried his nose against the exposed skin of his neck. Shamelessly enough— taking in as much of the addictive scent as his lungs would allow.

"As much as I love this," Namjoon mumbled. Leaning back as much as Yoongi's grip around his neck would let him— He let his eyes take in the dark pools of his as well. Shining in a way that made Namjoon question if Yoongi was even real. "Why are you so happy to see me?" He questioned.

"I was lonely." He frowned.

If Namjoon had to pick his favorite moment with Yoongi (which was hard on its own), he had to say it was now. With his bottom lip slightly jugged out in a soft pout, eyebrows scrunched, and just all around adorable in any way possible. Namjoon was wishing he had a photogenic mind right about now. The ability to remember moments like these in perfect definition was a ability he longed for at the moment.

"Well I'm here now."


Next part of this is coming today, I just had to update because it's going to take a while. Oomf.

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