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"What the fuck is this?" Jungkook asked again, as if it was directed towards himself. Standing still in the door way as he tried to process what he was seeing. His wolf scratching in his chest as it too began to become riled up on something he couldn't explain.

The last thing he wanted to see was the one person he couldn't get out of his mind for the life of him— under another alpha. Especially after the time they did spend together, this was like a stab to his chest over and over again. He knew he shouldn't be feeling this way. Anger spreading through his veins like a wild fire. He and Yoongi weren't official— but the thought of him with someone else still felt like someone was ripping his chest open.

"W-what?" Yoongi blinked rapidly— trying his best to jump off the table to gain some type of respectable distance away from Namjoon. But all he was allowed to do was sit there just at the end— warm arms constricting themselves painfully tight against his waist. Yet he couldn't really think about it at this moment, deciding it was best to look else where in hopes the heat of embarrassment would subdue under Jungkook's stare.

"You heard me. What the fuck is this?" He repeated once again— stepping a bit closer. So far, yet Yoongi could practically smell the youngest pheromones attacking at his senses. His skin felt like it was on fire as he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth. Hoping it would distract him from the whines of his wolf telling him to leave. Run away. Seeing how the situation didn't look as friendly as he hoped.

"Yoongi. I said—"

"Can you stop? You're scaring him." Namjoon intruded with annoyance— partly at the fact that his moment was ruined just when they were getting started.

"You stay the fuck out of this. I have a right to know what the hell you were doing with my omega." He pointed to himself sternly with a growl, unaware of the almost suffocating pheromones beginning to fill the room for only Yoongi to drown in.

"No. This is none of your fucking business. He isn't your omega. He's our omega until he chooses who he wants. And right now, it's not you. It's me." Namjoon snarled back—his hears seemingly gone deaf to Yoongi's silent whispers to be released. His arms doing the opposite as they tightened around him more. Eyes burning into Jungkook's from across the room.

"You? Just because you had the first date, and he runs to you when he's scared. Doesn't mean it's you he's going to pick." Jungkook scoffed with a slight laugh as if the moment was actually funny to him.

"And you think you have a chance? You're just a pup. He doesn't want a child that he's going to have to take care of." Namjoon seethed— finally letting go of Yoongi to stand his ground. Not liking the stance Jungkook took as he slowly approached him.

"You're just a big rock he uses for protection Because of your height. Without that, you'd be nothing to him and you know it." Jungkook sneered back, taking slow yet meaningful steps. Each one just as slightly aggressive as the next— Yoongi couldn't take it. With such words being said, and the suffocating pheromones becoming too much for him to really handle. This whole situation was getting out of hand.

"And you're just a child who can't handle his emotions. It's my time with him, you had yours. Now fuck off." He hissed back. Though out the years— Jungkook has managed to pass almost all his elders when it came to height. So close to reaching Namjoons, hence the key word almost. Namjoon hovered over him with the few little inches he did have over Jungkook. Not much but just enough.

"G-guys. Let's not fight. Please." Yoongi attempted to reason as softly as he could, wanting to reach out to step in between but his body stayed glued to the floor just far out of reach. Fear evident against his skin. He knew they wouldn't hurt him— well he hoped they wouldn't. But omega's were taught to never get in the zone of an alpha that's angry. Especially two.

"Leave him here with who? You? To do what exactly?" He questioned, hands twitching.

"What we started before you so rudely interrupted, of course." Namjoon smiled teasingly. But the moment was shortly lived—Before Jungkook could bother to contain himself anymore, the heat through his veins beginning to over heat. He acted on impulse—swinging his fist just at the side of Namjoon's fact.

Yoongi felt like things happened to fast for him to catch him, body shaking as he stomped around on his feet. Hands unable to keep still as he could do nothing but watch the fight play out. Namjoon gave Jungkook little to no time to let himself reel in what he'd done, before diving into him roughing. Falling to the floor as fist flew— the air around them becoming dense with nothing but their pheromones. Yoongi took sharp inhales, mind fogging with the need to run. Yet his body stayed glued to the floor, wanting nothing more then to look away as the two fought at each other like animals. Growling and snapping at each other as they rolled against the wooden floor.

"G-guys. Please stop fighting." He attempted to reason with a unbalanced whimper, tightening his hands into fist in hopes that they would stop shaking. Everything in his body felt hot— his vision blurry as he tried to blink it away. Yet it only got worst, a painful ball of heat tightening in the pit of his stomach. He groaned in pain— wrapping his arms around himself as if it could stop the pain. Yet all it did was grow more intense.

"G-guys. I..." He felt like someone shoved him in a oven to be cooked alive— his body shaking yet his skin burned. Sweat forming in beads over the sizzling skin as he shook. Namjoon was the first to notice the sudden change in atmosphere— the heavy scent of heat filling the room almost to the point of suffocation. His own head fogging in it a mist as his wolf grew antsy. Coming to life again as he charged to take control.

Jungkook seemed to notice it later then he should have, still letting anger get over him as he tried to swing at Namjoon again. But the fight seemed to be long over now. The older's eyes fixated to raven haired omega withering in the corner.



Why did I do this? Omfg.

I don't even know what to do now. Welp. Pray for me.

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