Shoto Todoroki x Reader : What's Good

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Play this song and bounce
This is your favorite song, get down
On repeat for 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 hours

The melody struck through your head as you yawned. Your headphones stayed within your ears as the rest of your classmates barged into the room, seemingly tired as you were. The precocious day had been a day filled with vigorous training and coming back to school just made everything worse.
You smiled as you placed one earphone out to smile at Midoriya. Your hand reached high before waving at him, a giggle leaving from your lips. All he did was run to you, taking his seat next to you before smiling. Another laugh left your lips as you turned your head once more to see Uraraka. She wasn't a personal favorite, but you still made mends with her since she was Midoriya's friend.
"Hey (y/n), you look so drained out, is it from yesterday's training?" Midoriya whispered to you, patting your shoulder softly.
The way bags began to form on your face was normal for any teen, but since you did have the power of flowers, you always revitalized yourself. Using the last bit of your energy to make the bags disappear, you smiled at Midoriya before waving at Todoroki.
His eyes locked with yours, and he walked over to you quietly. You guys were the basic couple of UA, the most handsome and the prettiest. The other's arms wrapped around you from behind, kissing your temple before taking his seat.
"No words today either?" You joked, and a blush formed on his cheeks, sitting behind you.
You held his hands softly before the bell rang, pulling away you placed your music player on his desk, the song that was going to play next, paused, stuck at 00:00.
Todoroki smiled to himself before taking the music player in his arms and placing it in his pocket. He caught the glimpse of the song before mouthing, "What's good?" to himself.
Oh how you were a special one.

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