married au! Izuku Midoriya x Reader : I'll Protect You

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a really super duper short drabble bc i exercised today and am so sore so so so so sore i can't believe in quarantine i'm actually trying to lose weight. once again, i love you all. muah.

izuku was your hero. no matter what. and here you were, at home, cooking your dinner. it was pasta night, you saw a neat recipe and decided to try it out. your husband and you were both off work today and it was a lazy day. for him, at least. since you became a housewife you preferred to stay indoors and do the house chores in ready of when you both will have children running through the house. you were just about to put in the italian sausage but froze when you felt something run across your feet.
pausing, your poured in your sausages and took a step back. looking down, you saw two red beast eyes staring back at you. and there were four in total. letting out a scream, your husband was there in no time, hugging you from behind.
"(y/n)?! why're you screaming?! what's wrong?! you're pregnant?!!" you shook your head no and threw yourself into his arms, feeling secure as he gripped onto you tightly.
"i felt something ruN ACROSS MY FEET. AND IT WAS A MOUSE. WAIT- NO THERE WAS TWO!! IT WAS MICE I SAW MICE IZUKU!" you screeched into his ear and you saw your husband stare you down like you were insane. he looked down and saw the two mice staring back at him. placing you on to the counter, he groaned as he bent down to grasp them, taking them by their tails outside and letting them go.
he walked back in and blinked a couple times, before washing his hands of course. scratching the back of his neck he watched you tremble and leaned in close, placing a kiss to the top of your head.
"tomorrow, i'll find us a new apartment. we're both i guess it won't be that much to move out of our college apartment to our now married one. what about it?" he asked, a lopsided smile gracing his features.
you nodded with a sigh of relief, holding his hand slowly.
izuku will forever and always be your hero. no matter what.

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