Katsuki Bakugou x shy!Reader : Star Blossom

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for @weeaboshitbitch !!
class 1-a was taken out for a field trip for once. a domestic field trip. they were paid by momo's parents for a break. and the kids didn't mind at all whatsoever, so here they were in the forest. (y/n) had taken the liberty to get out of her cabin where the rest of the girls were resting and take a walk. she hummed to herself, placing out her hands so a barrier formed around her. out of her class she was the only student who was able to control her quirk to its fullest ability.
(y/n) enclosed herself in a clear barrier as she watched the stars blossom in the sky. they shone so beautifully as the night passed. hearing rustling in the forest, (y/n) whipped her head quick to see katsuki approaching her. her heart froze, what was happening right now? he crouched down to state into the box, a blush immediately spread across (y/n)'s cheeks.
she turned her head around immediately and looked into her lap. she closed her eyes tightly as he tapped on her box, wanting to be allowed inside. she shook her head no, but after she heard him curse about how cold it was, (y/n) finally let him in.
"thanks, thought i was gonna freeze out there." he stated, scratching the back of his neck.
(y/n) could only nod, she didn't know how else to answer. it's not like she was afraid of katsuki...she was just afraid of talking to him. she knew if she spoke, he'd immediately find out that she loved him. okay, maybe not love, but it meant a lot to (y/n).
he lay on the grass with her, watching the sky as the stars twinkled softly on their own. (y/n) did the same as her eyes twinkled with the stars. katsuki noticed this, and he looked away. as he looked away he grabbed her hand softly, intertwining their fingers before placing her side of hold to his lips. he kissed her fingers, smiling softly to himself as she only could watch.
bakagou took this as a chance to press a kiss to her lips before exiting the barrier. he smirked to himself as he turned back to see her running towards him.
"w-why'd you do that!?" she exclaimed in a hushed tone.
he held her shoulders, smiling to himself as he rubbed her nose.
"because i like you, dork." katsuki stared, getting ready to turn around.
(y/n) grabbed him by the wrist, pulling him towards her as she looked at him eye to eye.
"swear to the stars that you're not lying. in their blossom they say all truth only." she whispered, tears filling her eyes as she was scared of the outcome.
he only nodded his head, pulling his lips to hers as the girls began to cry quietly.

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