Tenya Iida x Reader : Rubber Band

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You were uh someone...special. Known to be fiery, you were the complete opposite. Your mother having hydrogen and your father having oxygen, you were born with water. It was something interesting. Everyone knew you as a sweet girl and that's what you truly were!! You were nice and you always paid attention in class, but someone always had to ruin your day. And that was Tenya Iida.
He was the class president, someone you didn't even admire. He was too uptight and rule obeying. You wanted to have fun as a high schooler with your friends, but Iida demanded a no. Everything you wanted to do that was fun, he ruined it. He just had to butt his nose in.
Well today you decided it had to be different. Pushing open the door to class, you fixed the tie on your shirt and sighed. Your hands slowly reached towards the ceiling and you stretched. It was your birthday, and you wanted the day to be a little fun. Nothing happened really, you woke up and both of your parents were at work. You made your own breakfast and cake to school by yourself. Today was just going to be terrible.
Sitting at your assigned seat, you looked side to side. Turning your head and your body, you saw you were the first in class. There you nodded your head and closed your eyes, sighing and and pressing your head on to the desk. Minutes passed and you looked at the clock. The bell is supposed to ring.
Where's everyone? You stood up with a soft yawn and looked around to see if they were hiding. They weren't. Maybe you didn't get a memo of where you're supposed to be. You shrugged and sat back at your desk, looking out the window. The day was beautiful, the only positive thing about today. You giggled to yourself, remembering when you first met all of your classmates. Though you never really said it, and teens really don't, you loved your class. 1-A was the honest reason why you decided to continue being a hero.
Looking at your watch, you saw the time change to the beginning of the first class. No bells rang, no sound was heard. You sighed, standing up, packing up your things. A small hum left your lips and your bottom began to tremble. Tears flooded into your eyes, and you blinked them away quickly. Your acrylic nails softly padded them away and you sighed. Inhaling deeply, you exhaled softly. There's nothing to cry about, you thought to yourself.
Looking at the clock again, you saw only five minutes had passed. Closing your eyes, you opened them quickly to the noise of party sounders. Looking at the door, you saw Aizawa walking in with a cake and a knife. Fear exploded within you for a split second, and you saw the rest of your class parade in. Everyone looked happy, they looked happy for you. Iida walked to the front where he bowed ninety degrees at you.
"(y/n)! We are sorry for being late! Mr. Aizawa  had forgotten your cake and we brought it together. I noticed it was your birthday today a few weeks ago and I decided to make the class throw a party. I hope you like it." He ended softly, his eyes being warm instead of fierce.
You walked up to your class and smiled softly, crying at the same time. Everyone looked shocked and you couldn't help it. You just cried all the time. Water was your quirk after all. Your arms wrapped around Iida in a soft hug and you closed your eyes. Pulling away you punched his shoulder.
"You're not that bad Iida. I give you four out of five stars." You said with a soft smile, taking the cake and looking at your class.
"Let's start this party!"

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