Katsuki Bakugo x Reader : Nandemonaiya

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"it's like you don't even listen to whatever i have to say! i'm not your toy, katsuki!" you screamed, hands curled into fists at your sides.
"why're you so pissed? just shut it, won't you?" he replied carelessly, not even paying attention to whatever had your feathers ruffled.
you felt the anger boil over. just shut it, won't you? who does he think he is?! taking your books and materials from the living room table, you pushed past everyone to enter your room. slamming the door, tears slipped out of your eyes as your body slide down the door. why is he like this? why can't he even treat you slightly different? in all of the arguments you ever had in your relationship, they all ended up with you apologizing. it hurt, of course when you knew it wasn't your fault, but what else to do because you couldn't stay away from your boyfriend for too long. pushing your hands in your hair, your knees pulled into your chest and you cried quietly.
meanwhile, everyone was yelling at bakugo.
"do you have a problem?" iida questioned, pushing his glasses up on the bridge of his nose.
"are you confused?" todoroki said with a frown, arms crossing across his chest disapprovingly.
"you didn't even listen to her! how are you going to act like that and still make her cry?!" kirishima growled with his eyebrows furrowed.
all of their anger made him agitated. sure, he didn't really listen to you, but he didn't like what he saw. you were his, why were you getting all comfortable with that kid from class 1-B? his mind hurt just seeing the sight again. him hugging you. and then all he saw was red. murder, he would if he didn't want to be a hero. rubbing his temples, sparks grew in his palms and he pointed it to iida's face.
"shut it. i did what i had to." bakugo said with a roll of his eyes.
"what you had to?" midoriya asked from across the room.
feeling his eye twitch, his gaze met the other's and the two stared one another down for a brief moment. bakugo stood up from his seat, slowly making his way to the other with a deep frown on his face.
"got something to say, deku?" he snarled, eyes burning.
"yes. you're treating her like she's some toy. (y/n) is not your possession. she's your girlfriend. so did you even think of what had actually happened?..." midoriya then clapped his hands in a sarcastic manner, "congrats! you didn't. you didn't even ask her, kacchan."
bakugo cracked his knuckles, ready to lunge at the other. kirishima and kaminari held him back, both knocking him upside the head to atleast listen to the green-haired male.
"she came to me at the afternoon. upset. why? her boyfriend was making a big deal out of nothing. once again. like every other time. she got hugged by that student, yes, but she was trying out his quirk. to see if he could make it move for a longer amount of time through a prolonged period of touch. oh? you didn't know that!? of course you didn't, you damn brute!" midoriya growled, feeling himself ready to throw a punch but iida stopped him.
"she...what?" your boyfriend asked with widened eyes.
shooing him away, midoriya turned back to eating the bowl of cereal he was previously tending to. they released bakugo, only for him to fall on his knees and rethink. what did he actually see? what actually happened? he remembers you hugging someone, and he remembered hearing you say "how about we try this, then?"...the pieces are finally coming together.
and he was one hell of a jealous boyfriend.
making his way to your room, his fists pounded on the door.
"i know you're in there, (y/n)! open the damn door!" he screamed, pounding it a couple more times after.
the sound of a lock unclicking and the door swung open immediately. the usually soft gaze you had was now tired, and the puffy eyes you adorned clearly proved that you were crying. walking into your room, he shut the door close with his foot, leaning against it with a straight face.
"what do you want, jerk?" you mumbled, sitting on your bed.
"i know what happened. so get over it, okay?" bakugo said with a grimace.
"get over it? this isn't something uncommon you know, you do this every time. i don't know who you think you are, you must think you possess me or something along those lines. but you don't. every time when there's a problem, you expect me to get over it and we go back to normal. but that won't happen this time, i can't let it happen this time! when are you going to be a man!....and own up to your own mistakes for once...?" you finally broken down, the tears never stopped. they caused the clear night to become a thunderstorm, and you constantly tried wiping them away.
your boyfriend stood frozen. when did you harbor so many emotions? he felt guilt. he felt immense guilt. the only person he liked, no loved, so much had now become someone that's turning unfamiliar. his heart swelled, his mind ached, he just wanted to hold you. you cried and cried and until you finally closed your eyes out of weariness. the stress buildup must've been more than he imagined. properly laying you down in bed, he watched you sleep. the rain cleared, and it seemed like everything was fine. his mind was racing. what should he do?
"you know...i really like you. i like you so much that i can't bear to see you with other men. but...i also respect you a lot, (y/n). you have so much power, control, so much life...that i envy you so much. i can't ever say it to you face. i can't. you know how much that'll hurt my pride but," his fingers delicately stroked your cheek, "i'm so sorry. i never wanted you to suffer. even know, knowing all of this...i feel so pathetic. so deep down, could you find it in you to forgive me one last time? i'll be waiting for you tomorrow. sleep well."
walking towards the door, he quickly took another long stare at you. you were beautiful, indeed. his heart skipped another beat as he opened the door and slipped out. waiting a few minutes, you opened your eyes and smiled. he was so cute when he was normal.
"i forgive you my love."

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