Katsuki Bakugou x Izuku Midoriya : Love of My Life

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bakugou held the picture of the two of them in front of his face. his face contorted, bringing it closer to himself to take in every aspect of the picture. every single pixel mattered, he'd engrave them into his mind if he could. tears clouded his vision as he stared at the picture. pushing out a shaky sigh, he shook his hand and placed the image aside.
there he reclined in his chair, looking at his hands with a frown. fiddling with the ring on his finger, the male felt the urge to scream. he wanted to scream until the only thing he felt was that his lungs were on fire. the feeling was bubbling in his throat, he couldn't help himself. he was going to burst if he did. standing up, his body was slightly unbalanced from sitting for so long, he shuffled to the balcony. opening the door, he shut it behind him and there he let out another shaky breath. the night was cold, so every breath he exhaled, there was smoke coming from his mouth.
walking to the edge of the balcony, his calloused hands touched the edge, gripping onto it softly. the view was beautiful. the dark sky was adorned with bright, twinkling stars. every building standing in the city was lit up, the glimmering lights adding a serene atmosphere to the night. it eased his heart slightly. there bakugou let out his first scream. it died out into a small whimper, his voice not being able to handle the pressure from being worn out from the day. he let out another sigh, prepping himself for the next sigh and there he let another one out. this time, the scream was clearer, much louder, and echoed through the night. he felt his lungs burn. they hurt too quickly, was he losing his touch? before he was able to scream endlessly, and the damage wouldn't ever be done so quickly.
building up the strength for his last scream, the male screamed out once again, but there his screams broke down into a sob. he was a broken man. crouching down onto the cold balcony floor, he hugged his knees to his chest and let the cool night breeze give him small touches. each touch brought goosebumps onto his skin, and bakugou could only hug himself tighter. closing his eyes, he thought back on the memories. his years in UA, his years in college, the feelings he felt, the pain he went through. smiling to himself, he remembered the first time class 1-A was attacked by villains. they couldn't believe what had happened, and that was only the start.
his mind went to the emotions he felt. he never had experienced love before, but for the first time, the male he hated became the love of his life. they dated for a long time. and by the end of their college years, the two decided to get married. opening his eyes once again, he looked to the ring on his finger, watching it glimmer from the moonlight. bakugou never felt a love so real, and he never wanted to let go of it. his heart ached once again, and again tears spilled endlessly from his eyes. pressing a kiss to the ring, the male stood up and walked into the room once more, looking down as he didn't want to see what was ahead of him. though soon enough he fell into his knees at the side of the hospital bed, letting his head rest on the bed. the male began to sob, his body shaking as he cried into the sheets. his hands searched for the other's hand, grasping onto it softly as he waited and waited and waited. waited patiently just for the other male to wake up. standing up on to his feet, he opened his phone and went to his music player. there he began to play "love of my life" by queen, returning back to the other male's side.
"love of my life.. don't leave me. you've stolen my love... you now desert me. love of my life," a broken sob left his lips, "..can't you see? bring it back...bring it back...don't take it away from me.." and he stopped, pushing his face deeper into the covers.
his friends were outside the room the whole time, feeling their heart break for their friend. kirishima couldn't take it anymore, he pushed through everyone and moved to open the door. his body stopped when he heard a weak voice from inside the room. bakugou was singing? he had to stop this. kaminari stopped him, tugging on the other's hand so he could stop.
"you think i want to watch him waste away every day like this?! he needs to move on." kirishima exclaimed, tugging his hand away.
"he's never going to. he may be number one now, but he won't ever move on. nothing will change this, why are you trying to now?" kaminari reasoned, pulling kirishima away from the door and standing in front of it. he wanted to guard it, even if it meant risking his friendship with the other male.
bakugou heard their bantering, he mustered up the strength to stand up but stopped once his felt a weak hand stroking his hair.
"d..don't take it away from me...because you don't know.." said the green-haired male weakly, stroking his husband's hair gently.
"what it means to me."
"what it means to me."
they both finished the line, staring into each other's eyes. bakugou felt more tears falls from his eyes, his deku was alive. his deku was completely injured, but he's alive. wiping the tears away with the back of his hands, he felt sobs pour out of his mouth, his mouth mumbling "thought you were gone", "i missed ya so much", and "i love ya so much nerd".
midoriya sat up in his bed slowly, scooting over in his bed to make room for his lover. patting the space next to him, he watched his lover hesitate.
"cmon, lay with me. i missed you so much kacchan. i want to be held by you." midoriya whispered, not wanting the people outside to ruin their moment.
bakugou took a slow approach, but nonetheless entered his husband's bed. laying next to the other, he felt midoriya thread his slender fingers through his hair. he inhaled midoriya's scent, sighing contently at the way he still smelled like himself. the earthy smell being enough to satisfy him tenfold.
"so..what happened when i was gone? you seemed to cry a lot, your eyes are all puffy." midoriya whispered, his hand shakily wiping the space under his eyes.
"mm'cried. every night and day you weren't here. you were gone for a month. everyone was trying to convince me you were dead. but, you're izuku bakugou. you married strong and are strong. 'knew you could do it." he mumbled back, pressing soft kisses along his husband's neck.
"cute. i love you." the other replied abruptly.
"love ya too, nerd."

i'm sorta proud of this sorta not. i have a lot of requests but i remember NONE OF THEM. so i'm sorry if they'll never get done. but enjoy this hehe

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