Hitoshi Shinso x Reader : 몸매

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i'm back ;) y'all kinda aged up.

you were a dancer. like mina. though you continued your pursuit in dance, always searching more. and as you two were youths, tiktok was the new trend. barely anyone had it, as your daily lives were barely filled with fun. you picked up dancing, and explored more into the sensual moves. your boyfriend, wasn't into it. he always told you how he didn't like how you watched those people move their bodies in "vigorous" ways and how it was kind of uncomfortable. though once you shot back with a "my body, my choice", he kept his mouth shut, knowing you could handle the uncomfortable comments and compliments equally.
though one day, you took him off guard. you wanted to record yourself dancing to post on your social media, mask and all, but with a pole. he was surprised, to say the least. but the way you seems so excited to show the other male, he couldn't help himself. you clapped your hands, walking over into the opposite room before changing out into a more sleek outfit. the shorts and sports bra you were clinger to your body generously, making every part of you look even more attractive to your boyfriend. your heels clacking to the music player, you hit play before running back to the pole. there you began shimmying around, finally doing a small spin around to strut your stuff.
he only watched in a trance, eyes locked on your figure as you moved with the music. not missing a single beat, your body sensually made the song your own, taking its meaning to a whole new level. something in him stirred. you were good with the music. your body looked good with the music. of course there were times when you two were intimate, he assumed to think most couples would be somewhat intimate with one another. but this. this was different.
something about you twisting your body and shaking your hips to every beat had him quivering. he wanted more. he wanted everything. he wanted you.
as you spun down the pole slowly, you looked at your boyfriend before winking, making your way down slowly and surely enough that had him melting.
just as you were about to get up for your next spin, strong arms lifted your body up, taking you into a higher level. shinso nipped at your neck playfully, and you only blushed at his sudden move. kicking your feet gently, your movements halted at the feeling of him squeezing your exposed flesh roughly.
oh how the night was going to be fun.

a/n: i don't know where this was going ... like i can't rmr what i had in mind for it ... but. it's sexy and i LOVE sexy stuff so. lucky me.

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