Tenya Iida x Reader : Through The Night

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i realised i literally only write abt the main three. i need more than them. so here we go, love u all muah !! i think it'll be short bc i'm losing my creative thinking ㅠㅅㅠ

you were tough on him. somehow tenya iida managed to fall for you, a total tsundere. any slight action he took towards you, you turned away and only insulted him. tenya knew you didn't mean it, but now that you've both been going out for a while, it felt true. every word that seemed to slip your mouth, it stung him a little bit more then previously.
he went to his close friend midoriya and asked for advice. they talked for hours, and midoriya tried to reason with the other male, trying to explain that you're probably still new to relationships, and that you were absolutely petrified of what was to come next.
tenya wouldn't listen. he was a one-hundred percent convinced that you fell out of love. he didn't want to be the person to be hurt, so tenya wanted to end it first. no even katsuki bakugou could get through to him.
and so he rushed to your dorm, finding that you weren't there. he froze, his class president emotions whirling inside of him as well. the male asked their teacher, shota aizawa, if he was able to go look for you. reluctantly, the teacher allowed it. tenya rushed out the door, his mind in a daze as he kept on wondering if you were safe or not. walking around for about thirty minutes, his feet walked him to the riverside, where you both trained before in the summer. it was the place where he confessed, and he made the mistake like an idiot to do so.
"tonight, i'll send the glow of a firefly
to somewhere near your window
it's that i love you." his ears caught your voice.
turning his head, his mind froze when he saw you with a firefly on your hand, staring at him with cloudy eyes. he couldn't read them, what were you trying to tell him? and then he recalled what you just sang to him. his heart nearly exploded within his chest. you just said i love you. blowing onto your hand, the small bug flew in the direction of tenya, landing on his awaiting hand.
"i remember our first kiss
i close my eyes whenever i can
and go to the farthest place." you continued singing, turning your face away as a pink colour dusted your cheeks.
tenya felt himself fall into his knees, he didn't know you could sing. rather you never chose to in front of him. he also didn't know that you were so inexpressive. yes, he knew you were a tsundere, but this was too far. yet in his heart, it was overflowing with emotion at how you were showing how you felt.
"just like letters on the sand
where waves were
i feel you'll disappear
to a far off place
i always miss you miss you." setting yourself down onto the sand, your buried your face into your knees and watched the waves roll in and out.
tenya crawled next to you, watching the waves roll in and swiping away his name in the sand. his eyes moved to your face, watching the tears flow down as you were watching his name disappear.
"all the words
in my heart
i can't show them all to you
but, it's that i love you." your head moved to rest on his shoulder, pressing a shy kiss onto his jawline.
he felt his cheeks heat up, clearing his throat as he moved to look anywhere else but at you.
"how can i be so lucky
to have met you, who is a blessing
if we're together now
ah how great it'd be." tenya reached out to pull you close to his body, pressing a few kisses on the top of your head.
he pulled you up and held your hands softly. tenya pressed a kiss to your lips and stroked your hair softly. you smiled and walked back with him to the dorms and went to his room. there the both of you relaxed and talked about your days, and you made up. he explained at how you shouldn't be shy anymore and that he loved you for you. you explained it's just the way you act but for him you'll try.
you put tenya to bed, stroking his hair until he fell asleep and there more tears clouded your eyes.
"in my diary
all the words
i can't show them all to you
it's that i love you." leaning down you examined his face and took in every feature. he really was the man you fell in love with. nothing could ever change that about you.
standing up, you walked to the doorway and looked back at him. he was sleeping so peacefully. letting out a content sigh, you finished the song as you closed the door.
"tonight, i'll send the glow of a firefly
to somewhere
near your window
i hope it's a good dream."

OKAY. this wasn't as short as i thought it'd be but it'd also kinda confusing so i'm sorry?? i'll answer any question in the comments to the best of my ability, sometimes y'all ask me questions that get me thinking harder than i shall do lmaoooo anyways. stay safe n i love u all very much Muah.

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