Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu x Reader : Pizza

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okay so my audio doesn't work anymore so i can't add songs 🥺 but i'll just tell you guys here which song it is so u all can listen to it from somewhere else and read hehe today's is pizza by oohyo

you sat in your room, sighing at the predicament you were in. parents gone for the break, leaving you alone in your home. you felt the fear bubbling up inside of your chest...but you remember your mother telling you not to leave while they were gone. and that was a long time. of course you were allowed to go out on festival nights and to buy groceries...but to hang out with friends? a no no. you never understood why they were so specifically strict? though whenever the topic came up to your parents, they'd lie about themselves. looking at the television, the bright screen flashed with different colors as the commercials ran through. you took the remote and flipped through channels.
not the soap operas, not the dramas, not the sitcoms...your eyes flowed at the newest channel flip. the old movies. cheesy romance films that made anyone's heart melt, all in black and white. smiling to yourself, you seated yourself more comfortably and watched the movie begin. how grainy things were in the past....were their thoughts grainy too? you thought to yourself, shrugging off the philosophical question for another day. not even thirty minutes passed before your stomach grumbled. sighing once more, you tried to remember the last time you ate. two nights ago. at least your appetite was coming back.
leaning your head back into the soft couch, you reminisced on the times of being in school. you were in class 1-a, but you had a close friend in 1-b. tetsutetsu. he was such a funny guy. he always took care of you though, and even though kirishima would do the same thing for you...the silver man's had much more meaning behind it. it wasn't long before you realized you were head over heels for the other. you confessed first too...but your relationship was put to a stop by him after a couple of months. he needed to be a hero, and a relationship would make his decisions change. that didn't stop you from liking him though. you still loved him the same. the enthusiastic him made the challenged you feel so much better.
"(y/n)! come on! you have to eat your protein! eat the meat! eat the meat! eat the meat!" the silver male exclaimed, pointing his fork at you aggressively.
the blush that flushed against your cheeks wasn't hard to notice. sighing to yourself, you swallowed down the meat, knowing you were going to throw it up in the next period.
"d-done. there. happy?" you responded with a stoic face, looking back down at your lap.
"yes i am happy, but where's your confidence?" he spoke softly, eyes gazing at you worriedly, "...why don't you speak from your heart more?"
you stood up abruptly. the loud clattering made everyone look towards you two. you knew he was right, and you knew he was only trying to help you. but your heart and mind were just so...angry that he sounded like everyone else you began to trust.
"i'm sorry i'm not happy-go-lucky like you. maybe, you should look further into your brain and learn to read the room." you spat in response, throwing out the rest of your meal before rushing back to your classroom.
"i was such an asshole for that...i can see why he doesn't want me anymore. maybe i was toxic?...that's probably it. but...i want to order pizza with him. i want to..." tears blinded your vision, "i w-want to be his again..." your voice broke as you fell into a sob.
"why're you so afraid! i cant see anything but your beauty whenever i look at you! i said i wanted us to be apart...but it was all a lie. i never wanted to leave you..i was afraid of what would happen to us. we're so different, don't you worry about that?" the television spoke in the background, and you raised you head to watch the woman and man bicker.
unconsciously, your hands were holding your phone, typing in something you hadn't realized until your thumb hovered over the send. looking down quickly your jaw dropped. it was a text pending towards tetsutetsu...and you were about to hit send. you threw your phone aside, panting softly at the sudden bubbling of anxiety. why would you even say that? you know he doesn't like you...you know he doesn't want you. but...why do you feel like he still has a part of you?
the text read:
"want pizza, please bring n come over!!"
how could your brain do that to you? leaning back on your couch, you pushed the thought aside and went back to wondering. how was he doing, anyways? after you two broke up, your class forbid you to ever see him again. it was their way of protecting, yes, but it was damn annoying. you prayed he was okay. after you two broke up...your class went a little aggressive on him. bakugo purposefully tripped him a couple times while you would watch todoroki freeze his warm drinks and heat up his cold meals. mina would sometimes burn small holes in his clothes before you begged for them to stop. cute friends, but bad deeds.
shaking your head softly, you sighed again. looking back at your phone, a smile came on your face. maybe he broke up for you to improve yourself. and you did. you've gotten much better. it all happened slowly, but you were patient with yourself.
the rest of the night went by slowly. you watched movies on and on and felt your heart racing alongside the main characters. the sound of your doorbell raining caught your attention. it was about 12:34 in the morning. who could it be? walking to your door, you opened it to see him. tetsutetsu stood before you, holding three pizza boxes in his hands. the smile on his face didn't fail to make you blush.
"you came?" you asked, baffled.
"pizza sucks without you. when you texted...i realized it was fun to eat with you. it's fun with you whenever we're together." he replied, stepping inside and standing only a few centimeters away from you.
"i missed you." you whispered.
"i'm home." he answered quietly, leaning over to press a soft kiss to your lips.

EYE DJDBSJSI I DID THIS??? i'm so talented ahhhh i'm joking lmaooo these stories suck n i'm sooo sorry 🥺🥺🥺💔💔 uhhh my requests r open doe don't worry, i wouldn't mind tiktok requests either because honestly they have become one of my fave tings to write about? so please do request! muah i love you all stay happy n healthy < 3

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