Keigo Takami x Reader : Electric Love

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we love an author who posts every two thousands years </3
not even a good post ITS THE SUPER SHORT ONES :/

you dragged hawks back to your home, despite his requests. the man groaned in slight annoyance, yet you hissed back at him which made the male close his mouth immediately.
"what do you want me for?" he asked with a tint of annoyance still lingering in his tone.
"just need you over! i wanna hang out longer, is that wrong?" you asked with a pout, to which the other sighed in defeat.
he entered your house slowly, taking off his shoes in a slow manner as he placed them aside neatly. it never failed to amaze him how old of a house you lived in. the sliding doors, the futons instead of mattresses, and the walls being so thin you could clearly hear everything beyond the room you were sitting in. the male pulled out a small cushion and seated himself on it. you moved your own next to his, swiping through your phone in silence.
"'re just going to sit on your phone or?" hawks trailed off, giving you a risen eyebrow as the blush on your cheeks grew.
"o-oh. sorry. look look, there's this new app called tiktok." you spoke, eyes glowing.
"uh huh." he voiced.
"and they make really cool videos and stuff!"
"we should make one."
"no." hawks said firmly.
"please? we're best friends...!! we should do things like this together! please, please, please, please, please, pretty please!" you begged, holding your hands together in front of the other who winced at how much you began to beg.
"jeez shut up! we'll do it okay. but i'm not dancing." he responded, holding your shoulders softly.
you cheered, setting your phone up. placing your phone on the table, your fingers pressed play. hawks yawned softly, eyes straightening with the noise playing. your heart was racing. sighing softly, you waited for the song to play, and counted your heart rate. the seconds passed, and hawks stared back at you and the screen, waiting for something to happen.
"all i need is to be struck
by your electric love..." the song played, and you made your move.
grabbing hawks' face, you pulled him into your lips, kissing him softly. you felt the other freeze, pulling away to meet eyes. his cheeks were tainted a slight pink, and immediately the male pulled you in for another kiss. the jolts of love and excitement flowing through your body made you sigh during the kiss, causing hawks to bite your lower lip softly.
the video ended, and you blushed brightly. scooting away from the other, you watched his every move. hawks had a shit-eating grin on his face, like he was completely satisfied for his whole life and could just die the next minute. rolling your eyes and standing up, you walked to the door and looked at your friend....boyfriend? what was he to you?
"kicking me out just like that? now that isn't fun, kitten. i think i should stay the night." he suggested, voice low and sultry as you only could blink at his tone.
"what are we?" you asked immediately after.
"what else? you're mine." hawks smirked.
"keigo...are you sure?" you spoke again, raising an eyebrow.
"of course i'm sure. if i wasn't, i wouldn't have kissed you back." he smacked the last nail in, you jumped in glee.
throwing your body into his arms, he chuckled at your response. lifting you up in his arms, the male rushed to your bedroom, nuzzling your cheek softly.
"let's have fun, eh?" and with that you two were in bed.

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