Chapter 1 - Home Sweet Home

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It was a clear afternoon blue sky when Ash Ketchum, Pikachu and the rest of the Kalos team (except for Goodra & Greninja) had arrived into the outskirts of Pallet Town, after competing in the Kalos League in Lumiose City, where he lost against Alain in his final battle between Greninja and Mega Charizard X, becoming the runner up. Despite his loss, Ash was still satisfied with his position he earned in the Kalos League, considering that he did better than his performance in the Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh and Unova leagues.

"Almost home, Pikachu", Ash said in excitement. "Pika, pika," was the reply that his Pikachu gave. "Let's go."

As Ash and Pikachu ran towards their home, he opened the door and was greeted by Delia's Mr Mime, nicknamed "Mimey." "Mum, I'm home!" Ash shouted. 

"Ash, my son! You're back, welcome home!" Delia exclaimed and gave her son and Pikachu a heartwarming hug. 

"I saw your performance in the Kalos League, you were amazing in every battle, especially against your rivals Sawyer and Alain. I'm sorry to see you lose against Alain, but you did your best and I'm very proud of you." 

"Haha thanks mum, I'm glad that you supported me by watching me battle my way through the Kalos League. My battles with Sawyer and Alain proved to be the toughest of all, where in some ways, it reminded me of my previous battles of my past rivals, with Gary in the Johto League and with Paul in the Sinnoh League," Ash replied. 

"Indeed. You should go to the guest room. All of your former travelling companions and rivals are waiting for you there," Delia stated. 

"Really??" Ash asked, excited. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go see them."

Ash and Pikachu then made their way to the guest room, where his former travelling companions and rivals were all waiting for him. Little did Ash, Pikachu and Delia know, there was a nasty surprise waiting for them... 

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