Chapter 3 - The Silver winglet

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"Come on come on! Wake up wake up wake up!" An enthusiastic voice shouted in my ear. "Go away, I'm sleeping." I grumbled back.

"No, you're not! Today we get to meet our winglets, come on!"

Our winglets! Suddenly, all my exhaustion was replaced with excitement. I jumped to my feet. "Race ya!" I laughed, lifted my wings, and half flew, half ran down the hallways to the cave where our winglet was supposed to meet. A moment later, Indigo landed next to me.

"Hello! Is this where the Silver winglet meets?" Indigo called. I rolled my eyes and opened the door. Inside were Rose and a weird SandWing with some golden and black scales.

"Hi guys." Rose said shyly. "This is my clawmate, Sahara." Indigo and I both waved, and then three male dragons came in. One was the SkyWing, one was the MudWing, and one was the IceWing. They were followed by Sunny. 

"All right, sit in a circle on the floor." Sunny said cheerfully. No one moved. "Okay, sit in a circle on the floor." She tried again. Indigo sat down and gestured for me and Rose to sit on either side of her. I gave in. Slowly, everyone else sat down but the IceWing. "IceWings don't sit. They stand like true soldiers."

Eventually, we got the IceWing to sit down. "Finally! So, I'm Sunny, a Dragonet of Destiny, and a teacher at Jade Mountain Academy! Who wants to go next?"

Indigo jumped to her feet. "Me!" She yelped. "Me! Me! Me! I'm Indigo, the SeaWing, and my mother is a RainWing and I'm friends with Rosebud and Shine!" Sunny looked at Rose. "Can you go next, and then we'll go clockwise?" 

"Hi." Rose said again. "I'm Rosebud, I'm a RainWing, and I know Darkshine really well." My turn. "I'm Darkshine, you can call me Shine if you want. I'm a RainWing NightWing hybrid. And a Princess."

It was the IceWing's turn. "I am Igloo. As you can see, I am an IceWing. I am in the first circle, fifth place. My Queen, Queen Snowfall, is forced to send IceWings. At least one from the first circle. But she and I are thinking the same thing, along with every true IceWing. Jade Mountain is a fail. It is making all IceWings soft. IceWings shouldn't come here." Indigo, Sunny, Rose, the SkyWing and I glared at Igloo. Sahara raised her tail.

Wow. She has a weird tail. I hadn't seen many SandWing tails, but when Queen Thorn, Six-Claws, and Qibli had come to visit my mother, their barbs were like scorpion barbs. Sahara's was pointed and forked. "Maybe she'll tell us about her tail during her turn." Whispered Indigo. "Wow. Can you read minds?" I joked, but Indigo took it seriously. "Can you? You are half NightWing."

Crap. I forgot to mention that. "Sunny, can I say something I forgot to say during my turn?"

"Sure." She replied. I pulled a rock out of my pocket. "I can read minds, but this rock, skyfire, protects the thoughts of everyone around me. If you're carrying it, I can't read your mind. And if a mindreader holds it, they can't read anyone's mind. My mother bought it for me in Sanctuary." I noticed Igloo glaring at me. What? I mouthed in his direction.

"What am I thinking?" Asked Indigo, seeming fascinated. "I don't know." I replied. She looked disappointed. 

"I'm Copper. I help my father Falcon and my sister Kite in the Sky Kingdom's Hospital." 

"I'm Alligator. The MudWing. And my mother is Clay's sister Pheasant. I live like a normal MudWing, where I don't know my father and my bigwings takes care of me. I don't mind, my mother is like a distant cousin to me."

"I'm Sahara. I'm a hybrid SandWing HiveWing and was raised on Pantala with the Chrysalis." Oh, that explains the weird tail and different coloured scales.  I thought. "Are you part NightWing?" Sunny asked. "You have black scales."

"All HiveWings are part NightWing. They're descended from Clearsight." "What are HiveWings like?" Asked Indigo.

"Umm, they're awful. They hate hybrids even though they are ALL hybrids, they keep SilkWings as servants, their Queen wants to wipe out any traces of LeafWing because they refused to let her be their Queen." Sahara said.

"Maybe we should go live with them. They sound like true IceWings." Igloo said, somewhat jealously.

I tried not to give spoilers for TLC. I think those are either obvious or not important.

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