Chapter 39 - What was that?

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"Hey, Qibli..." Said Honeycomb nervously. "I'm sorry I didn't come and tell you sooner."

"It's alright. I actually haven't really thought about you in 6 years." He admitted nervously, unsure if she would be offended.

She laughed. "I was always thinking about you, because I had your daughter living with me. We named her Sahara, after her SandWing side."

"Oh. Wow." Qibli didn't know what to say. In this situation, he couldn't just say, thanks, let's deal with it later.

Instead, he focused on her looks. She didn't seem to want to say anything more than he did.

Honeycomb was golden, with flecks of red on her back. Her underbelly was black, with stripes of orange, like a reversed tiger. Her eyes were a surprising lavender, flecked with gold. She was small for an adult dragon, or an approximately 20 year old dragon.

She was, in other words, the most colourful, beautiful HiveWing in existence.

"Qibli... Sahara's on Pantala. She... do you know where she is?" Qibli almost laughed.

"Do I know where she is? Of course I do! And, as long as she didn't run off with her friends, she's in this stronghold! Uh, somewhere in here. This place is so big, we won't find her for a few days." Qibli joked.

"Wait, REALLY? She's in HERE, right now?!?" Gasped Honeycomb.

"SAHARA!" The two of them shouted in unison. Their voices echoed through the halls, and a few moments later, or more like an hour later, Queen Thorn came in, leading Sahara.

"MOTHER!" Screeched Sahara.

Now that they were side by side, Qibli recognized some similarities. Their eyes were both purple and gold, just Sahara's a shade darker. Their underbellies both had orange striped, and Sahara's had black stripes. The two of them had the same build, small for their age. And they had the same tail.

"What ARE you doing with Qibli?" She demanded. "You said you'd come here looking for my father, not me at the Sand Castle."

Honeycomb caught his eye, and saw him shaking his head. It would ruin her and Qibli's relationship as teacher and student. But he'd never truly be a parent to her.

"My friend Cas is here, with her girlfriend Summer. Wanna meet them?" Sahara said, and led Honeycomb away from that room to meet her friends.

A million dead dragons lay on the ground. The SeaWing Queen Anemone was one of them, and her wife Tamarin lay sobbing over her.

Rosebud was curled up, wings over her head, shaking from head to tail. Copper wound his tail around hers and spoke softly to her, telling her the story of his biological family.

Sahara was fighting back to back with a HiveWing, but it was 10 on 2. They weren't going to last much longer.

Cascade was standing by a throne, next to Summer, also with a throne. The two were battling to their last to protect their tribes, their homes, each other, and most of all, their son.

Darkshine shot to her feet, Light next to her. "You... did you see that?" She asked. Light nodded.

Then, together, in front of Queen Glory and Deathbringer, they began to recite:

Unfairly blamed
Cowering dragonets just one year old
Queens fighting for their thrones
Families protecting their children
Everyone hurt and some just bones

Nothing is okay after this fight
None of the dragons have any more light
A Queen will make her final stand
But her life wasn't lost because of land
7 queens and 7 tribes
Only 6 of them will survive

Light collapsed first, wings spreading to catch herself on the ground. Shine wasn't quite as lucky, and hit her head on the wooden floor. She fell unconscious immediately.

"What was that?" Glory asked Light warily. Her heart was pounding violently.

"Lightshine, what was that?"

Sorry my prophecy is horrible 😂

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