Chapter 12 - Igloo's Plan

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"RUN!" I yelled at Indigo.

"FLY!" She corrected me, lifting into the air. I followed her. At top speed, we tumbled into Jade Mountain. It was dawn, and few others were awake. But my sister was. "Darkshine!" She yelped, rushing out of her cave. "What happened?" 

"Just hide. Hide, Light. They want to kill you. You, me, Indigo, Sahara. And others, just hide." I said in panic. She caught my wing and pulled me into her cave. "You had a nightmare. It's fine." She reassured me. "No. No, it was REAL." I panted. 

"It was real." Said Hurricane's voice from the door. "Oh look, three hybrids. What a treat." He grinned. 

"Hurricane." Both Cascade and Indigo growled.

"I'll call the teachers." Light said.

"No, you won't." Hurricane stepped forward and smoothly flipped me to the ground. I screamed. "If you do, she dies a long and painful death." "Call the teachers." I told Light. "I won't let you sacrifice yourself." She said. "I always hated those parts in the scrolls."

Do it. If my death is slow and painful, I won't be dead before they get here.

I prayed that my sister wasn't wearing her skyfire. To my relief, she nodded. "WINTER! QIBLI!" She yelled, running from the cave. "Well, we might as well start the torture." And then Indigo smashed into him, knocking him aside. My hopes rose when I heard the talons running towards the cave. He cast a worried look at the door, and flew away.

"What..." Qibli walked in, followed by Sunny and Winter. They noted Indigo's position and me lying on the ground.

"What happened?" Qibli asked.

"Igloo snuck out–" I was cut short by Fatespeaker entering. "Sunny!" She shrieked. 

"What?" Sunny looked alarmed.

"It's your father."

"Did a student try to kill him again?" Sunny worried. "What happened?"

"Stonemover's cave- it froze overnight. It's completely full of ice."

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