Chapter 38 - The Dragon (Pt. 2)

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Black Widow and Honeycomb came back the next day to serve them breakfast. (It was roasted lizards.)

When Moon, bless her kind heart, offered that they stay for breakfast, Honeycomb agreed, while Black Widow shook her head sadly. "I have this job as a punishment, because I bailed a SilkWing out of jail. If I take time off, Wasp will probably get me an even worse job with less pay."

Honeycomb came in and sat in one of the window chairs. Qibli and Moon sat on opposite sides of the table.

"So, introductions. I'm... Honeycomb, born in Yellowjacket hive and transferred to Wasp Hive. Not royal. You?" Honeycomb greeted.

"Moonwatcher... I mean, Moon, call me Moon. I- I can... see the future, but not as well as Clearsight."

"Moon, she needs to know." Qibli said gently. Moon sighed. "I can also read minds, and I'm not royal."

Qibli's turn. "I'm Qibli, a SandWing, and I have no cool powers. Technically, I'm adopted royalty, the adopted son of Queen Thorn."

"Ooh, nice names. But what the hell is a Qibli?" Honeycomb asked.

"Like... a heat storm, or sandstorm maybe? I don't exactly know, because no one told me, and I never quite cared."

"Wanna know something?" Honeycomb whispered. "I'm not with Wasp. I mean, I work for her, but I plan to try to dethrone her."

"That's actually why we're here. Because the LeafWings and Chrysalis came for help." Qibli admitted. Moon frowned.

"How? Well, now we have that HiveWing ally June and Adonis wanted..." Moon agreed.

"Who are June and Adonis?" Honeycomb asked curiously. "Oh, come on, I'll introduce you." Moon said, but Qibli shook his head. "Moon, you're going to collapse. You stay and rest, I'll introduce her."

Moon nodded in thanks. She proceeded to pass out.

"Whoa, what happened to her?" Asked Honeycomb.

"She's having a vision. Anyway, the base is this way." Qibli said, leading her out the window, and to the secret base, making sure Wasp never jumped into her mind.

Finally they were there. Some dragons came up to them. "I'm June!" Greeted June.

"Adonis! Pleasure to meet you!"

"I'm Nightshade, and this is my daughter Aspen and my wife Maple."

Honeycomb followed Qibli back to Wasp Hive about two hours later, smiling triumphantly. "You have THAT many dragon allies?"

"Yeah..." He said, with a grin. Honeycomb had to leave a few minutes later.

That night, Qibli went to visit her again.

Honeycomb was sitting at the table, writing out a form. A second later, she whipped her head around. "Qibli!" She cried.

She tackled him in a hug. Qibli, not expecting this, flew back against the door.

And then Qibli realized for the first time how wonderful a find Honeycomb was.

In the next few days, as they visited the Chrysalis, and formed plans, Qibli fell in love.

By the fourth day, Qibli and Honeycomb were inseparable. The two were young lovers.

Qibli didn't have to be careful with what he said to Honeycomb. She wasn't cautious like Moon, not quiet like Moon.

"Qibli." Moon said as Qibli got back to the room. She pointed at the wall.

It was Winter.

And it was time for them to leave.

Honeycomb and Qibli had a heated argument that day. It was the last time Qibli had seen her.

Qibli arrived at the stronghold and found himself face to face with Honeycomb, the mother of Sahara.

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