Chapter 8 - History

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A vision flashed through my head. The setting was an icy wasteland. Dragons were flying at top speed south-east. A giant mountain of snow and ice sat there. And then I saw the shape. It was Jade Mountain. The vision followed the dragons until it was in a forest. "Sunny. Sunny. Sunny." Clay and Tsunami were in the corner holding Sunny's limp body and trying to get her to wake up.

Then the vision was gone. 

"Well, sorry Silver winglet! The Jade winglet's here again. You guys have to go!" Sunny waved us out the door. I passed a NightWing, who flung out a wing to stop me. 

"I'm Starlight." She hissed. "I can read minds. Igloo is planning something, and you have to read his mind 24/7. Or you might die." I nodded frantically. "Okay." She let me pass.

I stored the skyfire in a drawer under my hammock in our sleeping cave, and then ran after the rest of my winglet to history class.

I caught up just as we reached the door. Webs opened it. "Our history class today will be about Darkstalker. There will be a quiz at the end." He informed us. "Whoever gets the quiz right will be allowed to go on a field trip to the Kingdom of the Sea, where Queen Coral has invited us before she passes on the throne."

"So. The story begins with Prince Arctic. Foeslayer and Prudence, along with two other NightWings, went to the Ice Kingdom to form trust. Foeslayer and Arctic fell in love. Arctic came with the NightWings when they went to go back to the Talon Peninsula, but they had to injure Snowflake on the way. And then Darkstalker and his sister Whiteout hatched. They were very intelligent. Arctic was losing his soul, and Darkstalker met his soulmate Clearsight. Then he met Fathom and Indigo. He enchanted his scales to be invulnerable and made himself immortal. He enchanted earrings that he gave to Clearsight to make her only able to see the good futures. He enchanted a scroll to have all his animus power in it."

"But then he found Foeslayer gone and Arctic taking Whiteout to the Ice Kingdom. He enchanted Arctic to obey his every command, took him back to the NightWing village, and then made Arctic cut out his own tongue and disembowel himself. Clearsight and Fathom stole his scroll and enchanted a bracelet that made him fall asleep. But he woke–"

"And escaped the collapsed Agate Mountain when Peril burned his enchanted scroll. He took all the NightWing students to the old Night Kingdom and attacked the IceWings. They fought, and Anemone teleported all the IceWings back to the Ice Kingdom and all the NightWings back to the Old Night Kingdom. Then my mother and Foeslayer gave Darkstalker a strawberry that turned him into Peacemaker. Foeslayer assumed the name Hope, and they are still happily living in the rainforest." Indigo finished. "Yes." Webs said sourly. "But you are not the teacher, Indigo."

He passed out the quizzes. I read the first question and knew I was doomed. It said:

1. Who was Foeslayer's mother, and what role did she play? That hadn't been covered. I wrote down 'She went to the Ice Kingdom.' 

After the last question, I started listening to Igloo's mind again. 

Hurricane. I want you to meet me in the ruins of Agate Mountain tomorrow. If you don't, you die.

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